VIII - Planning

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Russia just holds America. Holds him tight to his chest.

'I want to take your hurt away.'

'Please let me help you.'

The weight on his chest is comforting, and he spends his time rubbing America's back, and his eyes pull themselves shut. He lays contently. He listened to the people around him and gets lost in his tired thoughts.

'I want to kiss him again. Make him feel better.'

'I wonder how my father is doing.'

'How is Alaska? I miss her.'

'I like being warm.'

'I wonder why America is so worried about how the states feel? He loves them and shows it. Why does he doubt it?'

He feels America nuzzle his chest, and his heart swells. He opens his eyes and he looks down at America. America's face is completely relaxed. Russia also notices some faint music playing from the radio underneath the chatter of the states.

He feels like his heart is about to burst from adoration.

'Oh my god, he's so adorable.'

Russia reaches down and gently brushes America's hair aside. 

"Alright Russia, I want to talk to you," Someone says. Russia looks up and meets Delaware's eyes. 

"So, I see the way you've been acting around Dad. And Dad seems to trust you. So, what are your plans with him?"

"Help..." Russia rasps.

"Trying to get help from him?" Delaware asks accusingly.

Russia shakes his head, and America shifts. Russia immediately returns his attention to him to make sure America is comfortable.

"Help him?" Delaware asks skeptically. Russia nods and looks up at Delaware seriously. Delaware stares into his eyes, searching for something for a few more moments before smiling.

"Well, you seem serious. I'll tell the others that I'm giving you a shot. You seem to be helping, so you got our trust. Don't f*** it up. We've been trying to set Dad up with people for forever, and I think you're a keeper."

Russia grins.

"Jeez Del, I didn't think you'd be so blunt about it," America mutters.

Delaware laughs.

"But while you're over here, I want to discuss something with you, Dixie, Canada, and the others who could help with planning."

'Plan what?'

"Got it. I'll go get them," Delaware replies, walking off to presumably gather a few states to help.

A few minutes pass before the group is gathered, and Delaware shakes Dixie awake, who hops up in a panic.

"What's going on?! Are y'all okay?" Dixie asks frantically, looking around at them, "Amy, were you crying? What happened? What's wrong? What was that thing? Did it get here?"

Dixie begins to fuss over America. America chuckles, gently pushing away Dixie.

"It's all fine, Dix. Del just woke you up because we thought you might want to be involved with the planning."

"On that note," Virginia says, "What are we planning anyway?"

"We can't just stay here forever! I don't think we'll be able to go back to the Big House anytime soon anyway," America says, shifting to face the group. Russia releases his arms to allow him to go, only for America to guild his hands back.

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