7. A New Life

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Oh god, I'm going to have so much fun writing this.

Y'all might hate/be mad at Virgil for a bit here.

TW: swearing, jumping from large heights,


"Come on, Ro," Virgil murmured. "I know that you're going to be exhausted but you need to get up." Virgil smirked as Roman's eyes fluttered open, revealing his completely dazed expression. "There you go, pet."

"Why do I need to get up?" Roman asked with a tired whine. "I want sleep."

"You can rest later," Virgil said. "But now you need to get up. Don't you want to please me, pet?"

"Yes," Roman said tiredly. "That doesn't mean I can't sleep."

"Fine...." Virgil trailed off, smirking at Roman. "But if you don't get up now you don't get to wear my clothes for the day." Roman pouted, making Virgil laugh. "Well if you aren't getting up then there's no point."

"Fine, I'm getting up," Roman huffed. "I can't believe you're making me get up. This is unfair."

"You slept for over eight hours," Virgil deadpanned. "I think you got plenty of sleep, Ro."

"It feels like I didn't sleep at all," Roman whined. Virgil just nudged him out of the bed gently, leading him towards his closet.

"Everything I have is going to be kind of big on you," Virgil said. "You're short."

"I'm not that short." Roman pouted. Virgil laughed quietly, raising an eyebrow at Roman.

"You may not be that short, but you're shorter than me," Virgil stated. "Now come on, let's get you something to wear."

Virgil walked into the closet, and immediately went to the far back of it. He knew there would be something that worked somewhere, if only he could actually find it. Finally he just grabbed a random hoodie and threw it at Roman, making him squeak quietly as he caught it. Then he threw a plain shirt and sweatpants at him as well.

"Those should hopefully work," Virgil said, coming out of the closet. "You can change in the closet if you'd like, or just in here if you don't mind me being in here. Whatever you're more comfortable with."

"I don't mind you being here," Roman mumbled. He blushed as Virgil smirked and raised and eyebrow, but ignored his gaze as he changed. Well, he tried to ignore his gaze, but he was blushing like crazy.

"As entertaining as that was, we should probably go get food," Virgil murmured. "You're as red as a tomato. You look cute when you're flustered."

"I- wha-" Roman was a blushing mess, and it didn't help when Virgil just winked.

"Come on, Princey," Virgil said. "We've got to get some food."

Virgil lead him down a long and ornate hallway. There were a lot of windows, so much of the light was natural. The hall had a soft glow about it from the sunlight filtering in, and a cool breeze was blowing through. It was peaceful and everything Roman had ever dreamed of but thought he'd never get to see.

They got to a large staircase heading down, and Roman almost screamed when Virgil just jumped off of the side. He ran to the railing and looked down to see Virgil looking up at him with a smirk.

"You gave me a heart attack," Roman called down. "Don't do that."

"Just come down, pet," Virgil called back. "If you jump I'll catch you."

"Do you promise?" Roman asked. He was nervous about jumping from that height, even though he trusted Virgil completely.

"Of course," Virgil said. "I'll always catch you, darling."

Roman took a calming breath and climbed over the railing, getting ready to jump. He saw Virgil smiling at him from below and focused on that before closing his eyes and jumping. The fall was terrifying and it felt like any moment would be his last, but then he was suddenly caught by something, bringing the fall to a halt.

"How was that?" Virgil asked gently.

"It was terrifying," Roman mumbled, hiding his face in Virgil's shoulder. "Don't ever fucking scare me like that again. And next time I'm taking the stairs."

"Your loss," Virgil said. "Now if you don't mind, I want food." Virgil started walking towards the kitchen, still carrying Roman.

"Are you going to put me down?" Roman asked. There was a light blush on his face from how close they were, and his eyes dazed out more as he relaxed in Virgil's arms.


744 words.

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