27. The Ruins

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TW: swearing, falling rubble,


"Roman- Roman are you okay?" Roman's eyes opened quickly, snapping him back to reality. He was surprisingly still standing. The other three were watching him with worried eyes.

"I'm fine," Roman mumbled. "It didn't hurt this time."

"Good," Janus said. "That means the water worked. What'd you see?"

"It was the same as last time, and yet still different," Roman said. "All of the color on the Isle was gone again. But this time I was at the ruins. They had color. Logan and Patton were there. And then- then magic hit me and I blacked out again."

"Who are Logan and Patton?" Remus asked.

"They were my friends on the isle," Roman said quietly. "I told them that I was leaving, and they said they'd keep looking for a way off as well. I guess that means they haven't found it yet."

"So you had the same vision twice? That doesn't make any sense," Janus muttered.

"It wasn't the same. Last time... last time Logan and Patton were both dead."


"Well, that's good that they were alive in this vision then," Virgil said. "The future changed for some reason. That means that for now, they're going to live."

"I'm confused though," Roman said.


"When I saw them, they were hiding."


"Be careful, Patton," Logan reminded. "This place is unstable."

The ruins were all around them, in some places towering high, and in others they were almost completely crumbled. It was clear that whatever had happened here had been bad. Most of the ceiling was gone now, laying in pieces on the cracked floor. Whatever the ruins had been of had been massive.

There were several large columns around the place, looking just as unstable as the rest of the place. The stone flooring beneath would have been patterned beautifully in its time, with vibrant colors, but now it was broken and dull. It had lost whatever glory it had once had.

"Where do you think the library would've been?" Patton asked. "This place is huge."

"It shouldn't be too hard to find an old library," Logan mused. "While it is large, the structure should be the same as most things like this. There are always some old blueprints for buildings in the library from this time. I was never sure why they had them, but there's no need to worry about the why. We just have to find the book and get out of here."

"Right.. the book." Patton sighed. "Logan, I'm really nervous about this. Who even is this lady? We don't know what she wants. We don't know who she was. I don't trust her."

"Neither do I, Patton," Logan said. "There's something off about all of this, but we just have to figure out what it is. If we can do that, we may be able to be safe through whatever happens." Logan suddenly took a sharp left, and Patton followed him.

This area of the ruins was more intact than the other parts they had passed. There was much of the ceiling still there, with light flickering in through the gaps. Vines were growing all along the walls and draping down from above. It was almost beautiful, but they had no time to enjoy it. Their minds were too stuck in their worries to be able to focus on how beautiful it was. They could always enjoy it later.

They eventually came to a mostly intact doorway, which had vines dropping down and creating a curtain over the entrance. Light was filtering though them, and when they pushed the vines aside, a large room was revealed. The room was large and almost completely intact, with very little signs of damage anywhere. It was the most complete part of the ruins. The most noticeable part of the room was the bookshelves. Carved out of pure marble, the large shelves were filled with books. They stretched up towards a domed ceiling that had large skylights, the glass from them long gone.

"Woah," Patton breathed out. "This is a lot of books. How are we supposed to find her book in here?"

"I'm not sure," Logan said. "This is a lot more books than I thought there would be. Maybe we should start in the restricted section, if we can find it. Libraries usually would have one of those, though if this was a private collection then it might not. That would at least be a place to start."

"Well, I think we definitely need to start looking."


762 words.

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