6. The Other Side

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Dun dun dunnnnnnnn

Cue the dramatic music, it's happening baby.

TW: swearing,


"So how do we get off of the isle?" Roman asked. They were standing in front of the barrier near the giant front gate. There was no one in sight, but that wasn't surprising considering the rule about the gate.

"Easy, we walk through," Virgil stated.

"But that's not possible," Roman mumbled. "Wouldn't someone have tried that by now?"

"Tell me, what's the rule here about the gate?" Virgil asked, leaning against the gate post with a smirk.

"We aren't allowed near it. Anyone caught near it would probably be given an even larger than lecture than usual. I'm not sure exactly what they'd do. You never hear about anyone trying," Roman explained.

"See, these people are too afraid of what lies on the other side," Virgil remarked. "If they would spend less time worrying they would've easily gotten off by now."

"What do you mean?" Roman asked curiously.

"Come here, Princey," Virgil said. Roman walked towards him and the barrier. "Now put your hand through."

"Are you crazy?!" Roman exclaimed. "That's going to hurt!"

"Trust me, Roman," Virgil purred. "You'll be just fine."

Roman hesitantly stuck his hand towards the barrier, but he didn't feel a thing. He stepped forward, but still there was nothing there. Before he knew it he was outside of the barrier, and yet still he had felt absolutely nothing. He didn't even realize he was outside of it.

"See!" Virgil exclaimed. "You're out of the barrier and you didn't feel a thing."

"How the hell is that possible?" Roman asked. Virgil just walked past Roman with a laugh, gesturing for him to follow him. "Virgil, come on. Tell me."

"When the barrier was made they left a gap in the entrance. Anyone brace enough to try would find that the entrance is where the hole is located, but that's not the hard part of it," Virgil explained. "To get off the isle you have to walk across the invisible bridge, and unless you can keep your nerve then it's easy to get scared to cross. The bridge also makes the crosser invisible, so no one else can see that you're crossing. There's also an illusion in place to make the mainland seem farther off than it is."

"But... but why did they leave the gap?" The confusion in Roman's voice made Virgil laugh quietly.

"We may be the villains, but we're not completely cruel," Virgil said. "We also believe in honor and that anyone who deserves it can come off the isle at any time. This is just their test."

"I guess that makes sense," Roman said. "You're all a lot different than we're taught it seems like."

"You're not the exact same either, though I would have to say I'm guessing your parents are worse than what we were told," Virgil stated.

"Definitely worse."

After that they walked mostly in silence. The invisible bridge was disconcerting to Roman at first, but as long as he staged focused on Virgil it wasn't very bad. The nice breeze was helping. Roman didn't even realize at first when something warm and bright started touching his skin.

"Is- is this the sun?" Roman asked, glancing around at how the water seemed to shine and his skin seemed to glow. The light was warm and comforting, like a hug from someone who cares about you.

"Yes, this is the sun," Virgil said. "It's such a weird thing to think that you've never seen the sun. Just don't stare directly at it or it'll hurt your eyes, just like with artificial light."

"I like the sun." Roman giggles quietly, enjoying the warmth that usually he didn't feel. Nothing on the isle had ever been naturally warm like this. It was a special feeling, and Roman was very happy to have it.

"Come on, were almost there," Virgil remarked. When Roman looked, it seemed like there was still most of the distance left to go.

"But there's still so much distance to go," Roman said.

"I told you about the illusion," Virgil teased. "How'd you forget already?"

"The sun stole my thoughts." Roman poured slight, and Virgil just laughed.

"Come on, sunshine, let's go," Virgil said. He practically dragged Roman forward a few more feet, and suddenly the world changed all around them. The bridge and water were gone, being replaced by grass and a stone path. Suddenly the land that had seemed so far away was right there, and they were on it.

"Woah," Roman breathed out, completely awestruck.

"Welcome to the mainland," Virgil said dramatically. "Now we might want to hurry before someone spots us."

"What do you-" Roman let it a startled yelp as Virgil dragged him off of the path and into the tree line. He gestured for Roman to be quiet as they snuck through the woods, soon coming upon a giant castle.

It was the most beautiful thing Roman had ever seen. There were talk towers and beautifully carved columns. There were arched windows and beautiful light gray stones that built it. The entire thing was absolute breathtaking, but Virgil didn't give him much time to stare at it before pulling him through a small entrance.

Roman was lead through a small hallway until they reached a bigger hallway. Virgil first checked f it was clear before gesturing for Roman to follow him down it. Finally Virgil opened another door and they slipped inside.

"That was lucky," Virgil said, sighing in relief. "There wasn't anyone who saw us, which if you agree to my plan then that's important that no one say you just now. Either way you'll be introduced to everyone tomorrow, but it affects the plan if someone were to see you."

"So what is this plan?" Roman asked.

"Now, you can still back out, but here's the plan..."

981 words.

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