22. The Water

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TW: swearing, pain, threats, anger,


"Come on, Roman," Remus murmured. "We need to go faster. Virgil can't show up now."

"Where are we going?" Roman asked. He winced. His head was throbbing and his mind was cloudy. Remus had said he needed to show him something, so he went along, but he was confused. "Remus?"

"It's going to be alright, Roman," Remus said. "I'm going to fix this. He had no right to put you under a spell. Don't worry. I'll fix this."

"What are you talking about?" Roman couldn't think clearly. He could feel the spell clouding his mind, and the added pain didn't let him focus on anything. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine. I'm going to help you." Remus let out a frustrated huff as he tried to figure out where they were. "Well, I'm going to help you as soon as I figure out where the path is."

"Where are we going?" Remus ignored him and continued looking for the path.

"I think it's here," Remus muttered. "Why is that spring so hard to get to?"

"Spring?" Roman had a spark of recognition as he looked around again, the magic seeming to pull him in a direction. He looked where it seemed to point to, and saw the hidden path that he and Virgil had taken. "Is that the path you want?" Remus glanced over, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw the path.

"How the hell did I miss that? Oh whatever. Come on, let's go."

They continued onto the path, walking in the direction of the spring. Roman's mind was still flurried and sporadic. If it wasn't, he probably would've realized what Remus had meant.

"There it is." They emerged into the clearing. There were less butterflies flying around than last time, and the slowly setting sun was casting a golden glow around the clearing. It was just as beautiful as Roman remembered it. "Want to go in the water?"

"What?" Now Roman's mind was flashing warning bells. The spell reacted to the question, causing a sharp pain to shoot through his head. He let out a pained gasp, fighting for control of his own head. "Fuck- no."

"You need to go in the water," Remus stated. He started pulling Roman towards the water. Roman struggles against the grip on his wrist, his mind screaming not to get near the water. "Come on! Stop fighting! This will help."

"No- don't make me go in there!" Roman was starting to panic. "No!" His head was too much of a mess to fully fight, and he could feel himself getting closer to the water. Another bout of pain shot through him. "V-Virgil!"


"I don't know where Remus would've-" Virgil cut himself off, feeling his magic yank on his mind. "God damn it. I know where they are."

"Where?" Janus asked.

"Come on, I'm going to have to fly us there," Virgil muttered. "That's the fastest way there, and we don't have time to waste."

"Wait- fly? You mean your dragon form?" Virgil nodded. "Have you ever even used it before?"



Virgil ignored the burning in his body, pushing himself to go faster. If he was too late... no. He didn't want to think about it.

Janus was clinging onto his back for dear life, trying to not fall off from the speed they were flying at. Virgil hadn't even told him where they were going, just that they needed to go fast. As they were flying he started recognizing where they were, and a pit sunk in his stomach.

They flew into the clearing at high speed, practically crashing into the ground. Janus was thrown off of Virgil as he shifted back to being human and rolled into the middle of the clearing, silently cursing out Remus for being a dumbass.

Virgil ran over to where Remus was standing, staring down at Roman with the most shocked expression he'd ever had. Roman was writhing in the ground, clearly in pain. Virgil was immediately on the ground next to him, muttering quiet spells as he tried to calm him down.

It was a few minutes until Roman was finally quiet and calm. He had to use multiple spells to ease the pain and then one to knock him out. When he finally looked at Remus again, his glare was so angry that Remus' heart almost stopped.

"What the hell did you do?" Virgil growled.

"I- I just wanted to take the spell off of him," Remus whispered. "I pushed him into the water, and he immediately screamed. I dragged him out, but that didn't help. He was still screaming. I just- I wanted to help. I thought..."

"You thought that he needed help, but you didn't bother to ask," Virgil hissed. "You didn't bother to find out that if you push someone in that water you could kill them from the shock of breaking the spell. You. Could've. Killed. Him."

"I- I'm sorry." Remus flinched as Virgil stood up. "I didn't mean to. I didn't know."

"Do you remember what I told you when you terrified him?" Virgil took a step toward him, his eyes glowing brightly from his magic. "I told you that when I got done with you there wouldn't even be a body left for them to find. I told you I would kill you. You hurt him, and I will make you pay for this."


"Shut up Janus!" Virgil snapped, not even looking at him. "I'm going to kill you, Remus. You hurt him."

"Virgil, I really think you should-"

"Shut up!" Virgil's magic reacted to his anger, creating a wave of energy that threw back Remus and pushed Janus back onto the ground. Janus muttered under his breath, resigned to the fact that he now belonged on the ground. Virgil's eyes were fixed on Remus as he glared. "I will kill you for this."

"V-Virgil?" Virgil immediately snapped his head back to Roman when he heard the voice. "W-what's going on?" He quickly rushed to Roman's side, his attitude flipped completely.

"Shh, Ro. You're alright now."

1022 words.

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