11. Snake Bite

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I know where I want to go, but I'm not exactly sure how I'll get there.

Looks like I need a map

TW: swearing,


Virgil lead Roman back into the castle, looking at his dazed out eyes with a small sigh. The spell had needed to go back on him or someone would get suspicious, but that didn't stop him from being concerned.

It shouldn't have hurt. Roman shouldn't have had a headache. The fact that he had just reminded Virgil how dangerous this was. He was using a spell no one had ever used before, since it was altered. There were no books that could tell him all the side affects, because this was all new. He didn't know what he would do if he couldn't take it off eventually. He hated the idea of just leaving Roman like this, even if he said he was fine with it.

"Hey Dragon Bitch." Virgil turned to see someone standing there. He had intricate scale tattoos all over the left side of his face, and a large snake was wrapped around his shoulders and neck. Janus.

"Hey Snake Bite," Virgil said with a small laugh. "How's Nagini doing?"

"She's doing alright," Janus said, stroking the snake's head lightly. "The shedding was a little rough this time around, but she's doing much better now. I was just going to get her food from the kitchen."

"I'll come with you," Virgil said. He turned to Roman. "Come on, Ro. We're going back to the kitchen. No one will jump out of the cupboards this time."

"So the rumors are true," Janus said with a smirk. "You did bring home a pet."

"Yes," Virgil said with an eye roll. "I'm sure you've also heard Remus isn't happy about it."

"He's got a soft spot for people from the isle," Janus said. "You really can't blame him, though. He was born there and spent a bit of his life there. Plus his twin is there. Actually, come to think of it, your pet looks a lot like Remus."

"Surprise," Virgil muttered. "This is Roman, Remus' twin. And that's why Remus isn't happy."

"Well that makes sense," Janus said. "I mean, if I had a twin I don't think I'd want them to be spelled either. His reaction is pretty justified."

"Yeah, it's just a pain in the ass," Virgil said. "He's very clearly against it, and I don't care, but I know he's going to cause issues in the future. I already have to constantly check that Roman doesn't wander off all the time because I don't trust anyone in this castle. I shouldn't have to worry about Remus doing something as well."

"Why did you take Remus' twin?" Janus asked curiously. "Didn't you realize that he wouldn't be happy? If you didn't think of that before then you aren't very smart. It's pretty obvious that even if they haven't seen each other in years Remus still lives Roman. They're twins, after all. That sibling bond is going to be there, even if that parental bond was severed after... that."

"I knew Remus would be mad, but I didn't have time to worry about that," Virgil said. "Roman was the best option. I doubt anyone else would've trusted me enough to come with me, let alone trusted me in the first place. I still don't know why he trusted me. Out of all people, why me?"

"Did you tell him about what happened to Remus?" Janus asked. "You know, before he was spelled."

"Yeah, I did." Virgil sighed quietly. "He didn't take it well. He almost didn't come with me. He said he was going to stay on the isle, but then the next day he agreed to come with me. I guess he decided he couldn't live in the same place as the people who had done such a thing."

"I'm right here," Roman huffed. "Just because I'm spelled doesn't mean I can't hear."

"What the fuck," Janus said, glancing at Roman. "How the hell?"

"Oh dear god," Virgil muttered. "It didn't work. I fucked it up."

"What?" Roman asked. He was quite confused. "What got messed up?"

"Virgil what the fuck did you do?" Janus asked in a frantic whisper. "If he-"

"Janus, shut the fuck up," Virgil hissed. "If someone hears we're dead!"

"Well it's your fault since this happened in the first place!"

"Well it's not like there are books for this!"

"Someone please just tell me what's going on," Roman mumbled. Black spots were starting to float across his vision. "I- I'm a little dizzy." He tried to lean on the wall, only to find the wall wasn't where he thought it was. "Nevermind, I'm a lot dizzy." His vision was getting darker around the edges. "V-Virgil? My head hurts."

"Shit-" Virgil had to quickly catch Roman, who suddenly blacked out. "This isn't good."

"Not in the slightest." Janus sighed. "Come on, we need to get him back to your room, and then you have some explaining to do."

842 words

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