19. Miss Mysterious

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Anyone want to guess who the hell the voice is?

TW: swearing, magic, talk of war, talk of cruelty, talk of hatred,


"Who are you?" Logan asked, turning around. There was no one there.

"I'm not anyone." The voice was from right next him. He turned, but no one was there either. "I just... am."

"That doesn't make any sense," Patton mumbled. "You have to be someone. You wouldn't exist otherwise."

"Maybe I used to exist," the voice drawled. "I don't remember my own name anymore. It's right on the tip of my tongue, but I can never remember my own name. It's a sad existence like this."

"What are you?" Logan was looking around, trying to catch a look of the person the voice belonged to. There was no one else in sight. "Show yourself."

"Fine." A glowing figure rose from the pool of water. She was absolutely beautiful. She was partly transparent, comprised solely of magic. Her entire form glittered and glowed. Her eyes were pools of dark blue magic, swirling about as she looked at them with an unreadable expression. Her hair was long and thick, full of silver magic. Her skin was a pale, glittering white. The magic formed a beautiful dress on her, full of swirling purple and blue. "Are you happy now? Now that you've seen the monstrosity I've turned into?"

"You're made of magic," Logan breathed out. His eyes were wide. "You're completely made of magic and you still survive here. This is amazing."

"Less amazing, more of a curse," she spat. "I hate this. I'm stuck in this small pool because I can't exist otherwise. I don't want to exist."

"But the fact that you're even here is amazing!" Logan exclaimed. "Who are you? How did you get here? What do you remember from before you got trapped in the pool?"

"I don't remember my name," she said with a soft sigh. She sunk down into the water, sitting down with her dress pooling around her. "I don't remember how I got here. I remember everything else though. I remember everything."

"So... you've been just stuck here alone?" Patton asked quietly. "Maybe you can help us."

"I doubt that."

"If you remember everything, that means you might know something useful," Logan stated. "We need help. If you help us, we might be able to help you."

"You would do that?"

"Of course we would," Patton said.

"Fine." She sighed. "I was born far before the war that ruined everything. I had a sister. We both had strong magic, but her's was always stronger. She was always stronger. Over time I noticed a divide between the good and the bad, the light and the dark. We were on the dark side. Our magic was seen as cruel and wild, but I thought it was beautiful. I loved it. They hated all of us, especially my sister and I. They called us the villains."

"Who were these people?" Logan asked.

"The good guys.. the heros. They had magic, too, but it was less strong. I think they were scared. They made us the villains, and they sought to push us out and take our magic. They wanted to lock it away, but it created us. By taking away our magic, they would've killed us. Taking away our magic was like ripping out our soul. They never cared though. They tried anyway, and that's how the war started. Bad against good, though it was us who were fighting for our lives."

"So that's how the war started," Patton mumbled. "That's not anything like what we've been told."

"Of course it isn't," she said quietly. "You're the good side. No one can ever know when the good side does something wrong. At some point in the war, I made a mistake. I don't... I don't remember what I did. Everyone turned on me. The island was made, but not as a prison for the good side. No one lost that war except me. I was the one who got punished. I'm the real one who's trapped. They took my magic, except instead of seperating me from it, they killed me and condensed my magic into this pool. Now I'm trapped here. The last person I remember is my sister. She.. she was one of the ones who trapped me here. She put me here."

"I thought you said you don't remember how you ended up here," Logan said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You seem to remember an awful lot."

"You must have misheard," she said. "I never said that." Logan chose to let it go, knowing that pushing it wouldn't be good at that moment. "Now, about you helping me out of this pool."

"We don't have magic," Logan said. "I don't know how we can help you."

"You want to get off of the isle, right?" Her eyes were glittering, but Logan had a feeling that it wasn't just the magic that was making them glitter. "I know how to get you off of here. You just have to let me out first."

"And how do we do that?" Logan asked. He grabbed Patton's hand in his own again, squeezing it slightly to signal him to not say anything. He didn't trust her.

"The summer solstice is coming up," she explained. "If I'm going to get out at any time, it will be then."

902 words.

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