33. Goodbye

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TW: swearing, crying, angst, blood, fighting, death, swords, magic,


"So, dear sister," Madrina spat. "Here we are again. Are you going to turn everyone against me this time and lock me away for years? Or have you changed since then? You certainly look soft. How pathetic."

"You went crazy," Maleficent stated. "And it's clear you haven't changed a bit."

"Well what did you expect! You locked me away, left me without a physical form in a cave!"

"Your physical form burned away with the final part of your sanity." Madrina's eyes flicked over the others, a toxic smile on her face.

"So that's Virgil?" Her words were like poison, dripping from her lips with deadly intent. "Did you even bother telling him the truth?"

"Don't you dare-"

"You lost the right to tell me what I should do when you locked me up in that damn cave!" Madrina snapped. "You lost the right to lie when you betrayed me. I bet you raised him like he was your own. That's why you're so soft. You stole my life and my child."

"Wait what?!" Janus shouted. "Hold on, Virgil is Maleficent's son. There's no way. He's even got he dragon form-"

"And so do I," Madrina said. "You can't say that there isn't a resemblance."

"But there would be a resemblance," Virgil said, glaring at her. "You're Maleficent's twin. If you want me to turn against her you'll have to try harder than that."

"You'd really side against your own mother?"

"You aren't my mother," Virgil stated. "You're a monster made of magic and madness. Anything you've become is your own fault, and whoever you are, you are not my mother."

"This is your fault!" Madrina launched herself at Maleficent. The magic in her form was swirling quickly, responding to the anger blazing in her. Maleficent barely had time to dodge the first attack before they were locked in battle. The problem was, how do you hit something not solid?

"You were the one who went insane!" Another dodged blow. The two were dancing around each other with practicing precision. It was clear they had sparred a lot before the war.

"And you were the one who betrayed me!" They both made swords out of magic, crashing the blades together with a loud clang. The others could only watch in shock as the battle escalated.

"You never told me you were pregnant!" Another swing.

"You never told me he was an asshole!"

"Yes I did! You were just too stubborn to listen!"

"I tried to see the best in him!"

"He was using you! If you didn't want your magic taken you shouldn't have taken the risk!"

"I trusted him!"

"I trusted you, now look where we ended up!" The two broke apart, circling around each other. They were clearly eyeing each other up for weak points while trying to catch their breaths.

"You should've just killed me," Madrina growled. "Because now I have to kill you. I want my revenge."

"This was always the problem," Maleficent hissed. "You jump straight to hurting as soon as something doesn't go your way. You were the one who made the mistakes, not me."

"And you were the one who locked me away." The two crashed back together in a mess of blades and magic. Because the swords were made of magic they could interact with Madrina's form. Not that it mattered. She clearly wasn't out of practice despite being locked away for years, but Maleficent was already starting to tire.

The three watched with bated breath as Maleficent was knocked down, sword pointed at her throat.

"Tell him, sis," Madrina ordered. "Tell him what you did. Tell him who I am." It was clear to everyone who she was referring to.

"Virgil," Maleficent said quietly. She looked over at him, her eyes sad and resigned. "I really did love you as I would've my own child."

"Tell him!"

"Madrina is your mother."

"This is what happens to traitors," Madrina growled, plunging the blade into Maleficent's stomach. "Bleed for the blood you shed."

"No!" Virgil shouted. His body finally seemed to overcome his shock and he rushed forward to where Maleficent was now dying. Madrina was pushed back by magic, whether it was on purpose or unintentional unknown. "Please don't die yet."

"Stay alive for me," Maleficent whispered, her eyes drifting over Virgil one last time, as if so she could remember him when she was gone. "I'm sorry that I lied."

"Don't even worry about that," Virgil said frantically. He gripped her hand in his own, fighting back tears as he thought over everything healing spell he knew. None of them would work for this. "Just focus on staying alive."

"You were always such a good child." Maleficent smiled softly, which was a rare look compared to her usual stoic expression. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I loved you often enough. I should've told you more."

"You did enough." He gripped her hand as if he could be the tether connecting her to life, but they both knew it wouldn't work. "You were an amazing mother to me."

"Please do one thing for me." Her voice was fading.


"Please forgive me."

"I'll always forgive you. You were the best mother I could've asked for."

"Thank you." She looked at peace, like a weight had been taken off of her shoulders. She glanced at Roman. "I wish I could have been alive long enough to see your wedding."

"I wish you could've as well."

"I love you, my child."

"I love you, too," Virgil whispered, even though he knew she could no longer hear him. She was already gone.

950 words.

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