9. An Encounter

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So many plans, so many words to write.

TW: swearing, collars,


"Oh shit, where is he?" Virgil muttered quietly. Virgil had been stuck in the library searching for something, and of course Roman had decided to wander off. Usually it wouldn't have been a big deal, but there were far too many villains in the castle at that moment for Virgil to feel comfortable with him walking off.

Virgil sped up when he heard voices, hoping that Roman would be there. When he rounded the corner he saw his mother, Maleficent, and sure enough, Roman.

"I asked you a question. Who are you?" Maleficent asked. Virgil stifled a laugh once he realized what was happening. Roman wasn't looking at nor talking to Maleficent, which seemed to be making her very frustrated. "Stop ignoring me! I'm the Queen! I could burn you to a crisp!"

"Please don't," Virgil said, laughing quietly. "Come here, Roman." Roman smiled brightly at him, walking away from Maleficent who was gaping.

"How'd you get him to pay attention to you?" she asked. "He's been ignoring me for the last twenty minutes!"

"That would be my fault," Virgil stated. "Turns out when I told him not to talk to you or interact with you I didn't specify that he could if you talked to him first. Whoops."

"Who is he? I've never seen him around here before," Maleficent said.

"This is Roman, Remus' twin," Virgil explained. "I brought him over from the isle. Roman, stay here."

"But the flying thing is pretty," Roman protested, pointing at a butterfly he'd been trying to follow.

"I can take you to a place with more butterflies later," Virgil murmured. "But you can't keep wandering off."

"Fine," Roman huffed, leaning into Virgil.

"So he's from the isle?" Maleficent asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why'd you bring him here, Virgil? I doubt it was just for a pet, since you've never done anything like this before. I don't know what you're planning, but just know I'm watching."

"Nice to see you, too, mom," Virgil muttered. Maleficent had started walking away, but then she turned back around again.

"And don't forget the rule for people you've spelled," Maleficent said. "Put a collar on your pet." Virgil watched with a small sigh as Maleficent walked down the hall and disappeared around the corner.

"Come on, pet," Virgil murmured. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Roman asked, following Virgil. "Are we going to see more of the pretty flying things?"

"First we're going back to the room, and then we'll go see more butterflies," Virgil said. He lead Roman back to the room, having to pull him away from tapestries every five seconds. The bright colors and patterns always managed to catch his attention, having never seen so many colors on the isle.

"So what're we doing in here?" Roman asked with a small laugh as he jumped onto the bed and melted into how soft it was.

"I know we already talked about this before everything but I tried to avoid it and apparently that'll be impossible so-"

"You're rambling," Roman said. "Just tell me what's going on." Virgil sighed, grabbing something from inside his closet.

"You might have to start wearing this," Virgil said with a sigh, tossing the object to Roman. It was a pretty black and red lace collar, with 'Virgil's Pet' embroidered in cursive on it. "Are you okay with wearing that?" Virgil watched as Roman's eyes came into focus, losing the dazed look.

"It's fine, Virgil," Roman said, smiling softly. "We already talked about this."

"I know, but I had to make sure," Virgil murmured. The dazed look came back in Roman's eyes, making Virgil sigh softly. He sat down next to Roman, clipping the collar on him so it wasn't too tight. "That looks far better on you than I expected. Red really is your color."

"Can we go see the pretty things now?" Roman asked. Virgil shot him a bemused smile.

"I already told you, Ro. They're called butterflies," Virgil said. "And yes, we can go see them."

"Do they all look so pretty?" Roman asked excitedly.

"They do, but they don't all look the same. Just don't touch them," Virgil explained. "They don't like being touched. Are you ready to go?"


717 words.

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