40. Epilogue

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We're at the last chapter:)

TW: swearing, slight angst, nostalgia,


~Five years later~

Roman stared down at the beautiful wedding ring on his finger, smiling as it glistened in the light. He could hardly believe that five years had passed. Only five years ago he had been sitting there, hoping that his love wouldn't die in front of him, and now here he was.

"You alright, Ro?" Virgil asked. Roman met his gaze with a fond smile. The five were all on a picnic together, just enjoying the day.

"I'm good, love," Roman murmured. "Just reminiscing. I can't believe it's been five years."

"The time has certainly flown by," Logan said. "Five years doesn't feel like a long time, but it can change so much." His hand found Patton's, matching wedding bands glinting in the light.

"Five years... it really has flown by." Janus smiled sadly. "Remus would've loved to see what the kingdom has become."

"He really would've." Roman's heart still ached to think of Remus, but it was less than it had been. The emotional wound had healed, leaving only a scar as a reminder of what had happened to his twin. "I think he would've loved to make fun of me for becoming king, though."

"I think he would've cried at the crowning," Janus said. "Despite the years you two spent apart you still had that bond only twins can have. He would've been proud."

"I still can't believe I'm a king."

"I told you," Virgil said with a small laugh. "I told you from the beginning, but you never once believed me."

"Technically, you told me you'd make me a prince," Roman pointed out. "Not that you'd marry me and make me a king."

"Ruling with someone else is much more fun than ruling alone. You can't blame me for wanting someone to rule with."

"We were seventeen," Roman deadpanned. "You can't tell me that you wanted to marry me from the first few times we met."

"I mean, that hadn't been the plan at first," Virgil said. "But later it definitely became the plan."

"I still can't believe it took you both so long to finally confess," Janus teased. "I mean, come on. Virgil almost died, then miraculously survived, and there was no cliche love confession afterwards. I thought you two would be cliche, not wait well over four months to confess anything."

"Even Logan thought to confess before we almost died, not well after the fact," Patton said with a small laugh.

"In my defense, I didn't know he loved me," Roman said.

"He stabbed himself to save you," Janus deadpanned. "How did you not know?"

"I thought you were both dating when I first saw you interact," Logan said. "And that's coming from someone who has never understood emotions very much. Even I knew before you, Roman."

The group fell into laughter, sharing more jokes and diving head first into nostalgia. It was good to be able to talk about the past without it being such a heavy weight as before.

"I'll be right back," Virgil said. Roman watched him walk off with a soft smile, adoration clear in his eyes.

"You two are perfect for each other," Janus said. "You make him happier than he ever was before you came to the mainland. I've never seen him care for someone else like he cares for you."

"I just wish Remus could've seen the wedding," Roman said with a soft sigh. "I wish I could've known what he thought about it all."

"Well, he clearly supported it," Janus pointed out. "He directly told Virgil in the- the letter that he had his blessing. I think he could see how good you both were for each other."

"I'm sorry that you never got to tell him you loved him before he died," Roman said.

"Me too." Janus sighed. "Me too. I should've just told him, but I was too scared. But he loved me, and I love him, and I'm sure he's watching over us from wherever you go when you die. I can wait for the day I finally join him in death."

"I'm sure he'll wait for you, too." Virgil came back, sitting down next to Roman again. "What was that all about?"

"Oh, nothing," Virgil said, smiling softly. "I just thought I heard something."

The five sat there until the sun had set, laughing together, crying together, and enjoying the day together. They weren't perfect, and neither was the world around them, but they were happy, and to them, that was all that mattered.

From somewhere far away, yet so close at the same time, Remus smiled, watching them with a fond smile. He was happy too, because to him, their happiness was what mattered.

So six smiled together once again, with wounds both physical and mental only scars now. And the living and the dead were at peace once again.

822 words.

Oh my god. I can't believe this is over.

I had so much fun writing and planning this book. Seeing all the comments that people left really made my days brighter.

Thank you so much for the support and love. It means the world to me that people enjoy what I write.

I did think about a sequel, but ended up deciding to give it a definitive ending instead. I have so many ideas I want to write, and I'm happy with how I ended this one.

Once again, thank you so much for the support.

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