1. History Sucks

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Hello! Welcome to my new story if you're reading this.

If you've never read any of my writing before, hi, I'm Lucy, and I'm going to break your heart and eat it!

All jokes aside, I do love angst. Thanks for reading my writing, and I hope you enjoy the story!

I'll update once a week on the weekends, but there may randomly be a surprise update if I get time to write more.

TW: swearing, kind of mean teachers, mentions of battles and imprisonment,


Roman sighed softly as he listened to the boring lecture drone on and on. Another day, another history lesson for things he didn't care about. History wasn't going to repeat itself with this, so there was no point in learning it.

The teacher, some fairy Roman couldn't be bothered to remember the name of, was once again talking about the formation of the isle and the Great Battle. It was all any history class talked about, and the lesson was the same every time. Either way the villains won. Roman couldn't understand how people couldn't just move on.

It had been over twenty years since the battle had even happened. There was no point in knowing every detail, which by now most of them knew by heart. The same old story doesn't get more entertaining the more you read it. The teachers always found some way to make a good lesson in morals out of it, and honestly Roman envied the villains. At least they didn't have to sit through the same boring lecture about morals. Thought maybe they had a lecture about bad morals. He really didn't know.

"Roman! Are you paying attention?" Roman was brought out of his thoughts by the teacher talking directly to him. Granted, he wasn't the only one not paying attention, so if anything he got sympathy from the others. No one liked this class anymore.

"Yes," Roman muttered.

"You don't sound very excited to learn about our history," the fairy hissed out. "This is the founding of our morals! If you don't know this you're just as bad as a villain!"

"Anything is better than this class, even being a villain." The class erupted into giggles as the teacher's face grew bright red in anger.

"If you think you don't need to learn this than you can just fail the next test!"

"Okay," Roman said, shrugging. It's not like it was going to matter. The school on the isle meant nothing anyway. All it was was morals and exams on being good. It was bland and boring and had nothing to do with anything important.

"I'll tell Prince Charming and Cinderella!" Roman just laughed.

"Try me. You can tell my parents but I don't care. It won't change the fact that this lesson needs some serious changes," Roman stated. His classmates were losing it, all except one, who just sighed and shook his head.

"Then get out!" The fairy was seething as Roman just walked out of the room. He was happy to get out of class early for once, especially since he had a free period the next hour.

Roman walked into the library, which was quite a sad excuse for a library. There were very few books, and any in there were either about history, completely wrong, or about morals. Sometimes all three. Since paper was short on the isle even schools couldn't use it. There simply wasn't enough, and most people hadn't been given time to pack before being sent to the isle. It wasn't like they were shipping supplies over, either. The isle was truly on its own.

He sighed softly as he sat down at one of the old tables, waiting for his friends to arrive. They always spent the free periods together in the library, preferring to talk than to be subjected to more morals lessons by passing teachers. Fairy Godmother certainly kept a tight ship around here.

"Roman what the hell were you thinking?" Logan asked, walking in with Patton at his heels.

"Language!" Patton said hurriedly. "You don't want the teachers to here you again. You remember how awful the lecture was last time!"

"I don't know what I was thinking, I just did," Roman said with a shrug. "That's how I usually do things."

"You could've seriously gotten in trouble," Logan stated. "By now we all know the rules."

"No back talking or ignoring the teachers. No swearing. No ignoring history class. No saying the lessons are pointless." They recited the rules in precise unison, knowing them by heart from being drilled so many times in class.

"The rules are pointless though," Roman protested.

"Shhh," Patton shushed him. "You have to be more careful."

"We don't want you to have to go through one of the two hour lectures that people who are heard being 'immoral' go through," Logan said. "This school is nuts."

"Yeah, but where else would we go?" Roman asked. "This is the best school on the isle, and there's no way we're getting off of this dump. We just have to be content with this place while we're here."

"I'll find a way off of this place eventually," Logan muttered. "I have to find a way..."

"Don't worry about it, Specs," Roman said. "For now our life is just.... simple."

887 words

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