30. The Beginning Of The End

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Ah, look how time flies

TW: swearing, magic, main character death, regret, sadness,


"How long do we have?" Virgil asked, glancing over at Janus. "How long until it all goes to shit?"

"An hour," Janus responded. "We have an hour left." They we're all sitting in Virgil's room as the time counted down. Only an hour left. Only an hour until the world might end. Or at least, the world as they knew it.

"We've come so far," Roman muttered. "And yet it feels like we haven't come far enough."

"What if we die?" Remus asked quietly. "What happens then?"

"If we die, it's game over," Janus said gravely. "So that's why we aren't going to die. Not today, and not tomorrow. Not to a stupid magic lady who's been a giant bitch."

"There's nothing we can do now but wait." Virgil sighed. "It's the beginning of the end, and for some reason we're being forced to live it. I wish we didn't have to worry about this, but I suppose things would have been very different if Madrina had never existed."

"I wonder what the world would've been like," Remus mused. "Maybe the split wouldn't have happened. The isle wouldn't have had to exist."

"More people would've died in a war no one remembers the real reason for anymore," Roman muttered. "It might have been better if they had just killed her. But.... I couldn't have killed Remus if it was the same situation."

"I'm honored that you couldn't kill me," Remus said. "It means I've done something right. You don't have me."

"Still on thin fucking ice," Virgil said jokingly. "Roman may not be able to kill you, but I'd be able to. I might even enjoy it a little."

"Only a little?" Janus raised an eyebrow. "I thought you'd enjoy it more than just a little." The four trailed off into silence, the gravity of the situation catching up on them once again. Less than an hour until their world could be utterly torn apart.

Correction; less than an hour until their world would be utterly torn apart.


"We have a minute left," Janus informed them. They were all fidgeting nervously, awaiting the ticking time that told how long left of peace they had. And not long.

"Whatever happens, I want you guys to know that this has been crazy, but I don't regret a single thing," Roman stated.

"Forty-five seconds."

"I love you guys," Virgil said. "It's certainly been a journey. Too bad it's going to end so soon."

"Thirty seconds."

"I'm going to miss this," Remus mumbled. "I'm going to miss hanging out with you guys. It's been a wild ride. I wonder what comes next..."

"Fifteen seconds."

"Don't talk like that," Roman said. "You sound like you're saying goodbye." Remus' eyes were dark.

"And what if I am?"

"Ten seconds."

"Why? Why are you saying goodbye?"

"I should've told you, but I had no choice. I hope you understand that."

"Five seconds."

"Remus, what are you talking about?"

"Virgil is her weakness. Please destroy her. Don't let me die with this regret."

"Two seconds."

"Goodbye, everyone," Remus said softly. There were tears shining in his eyes. "And good luck."

A wave of magic tore through everything as soon as the clock changed times, and Remus dropped to the ground. The color was fading from his skin, turning him a pale gray. The gray was racing towards his heart, but he didn't look worried. He just looked sad.

"I'm sorry," Remus whispered. "Please forgive me. Her weakness is Virgil. Just... please forgive what I've done. There's a note in my pocket. Read it. I'll see you on the other side."

And then the gray reached his heart, and the light faded from his eyes, leaving him dead. The others were staring at him in shock. Then Roman collapsed next to Remus, trying to choke back the sobs that wanted to tear from his throat.

"No, please," Roman choked out. "Don't leave yet. I just found you again, and now you're already gone. Of course you had to make such a dramatic exit. Why... why?!" Janus reached into Remus' pocket, grabbing the note.

"It's addressed to all of us," Janus said. He looked like he was about to join Roman sobbing on the floor. "'Dear friends, I'm sorry. They forced me to help them, and then connected me to her as well. If you're reading this, their plan worked, and now I'll be dead. I'm sorry to leave like this. Roman, I'm sorry that this is how I leave after we just met again. You were the best twin I could've asked for. Virgil, I'm sorry that we had our differences. I know it'll be the hardest for you to forgive me. Just keep him safe and happy. Don't be afraid to say it. If you survive that long, know that you have my blessing. And Janus, I'm sorry I left before I could tell you I love you. I wish we could've gone on one date before I died. Love you all. Please, kill her. Kill Madrina, and don't look back on it with any regret.'"

864 words.

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