34. Actions

86 5 38

So how we feeling after last chapter?

I hope you know I'll be loading on angst right up until the end.

TW: swearing, fighting, angst, passing out, talk of death,


"Now that she's out of the way I can finally get what I want."

Virgil slowly let go of Maleficent's hand, standing up to face Madrina. He wiped the stray tears from his eyes. His gaze was burning, anger hotter than any fire coursing through his veins.

"I won't let you," Virgil said quietly, but not weakly. "You won't get a single thing from this damned place."

"Oh come on, don't be like that," Madrina snapped. "She wasn't even your mother. Join your real mother."

"Maleficent was more of my mother than you'll ever be." Madrina looked like she'd been slapped.

"I knew I should've hidden you better," she hissed. "Once she found you and figured out how to take off the spell I put you under so you wouldn't age until I got back it was game over. Now you're turned against me, and all because of an idiot human. He said he loved me! Apparently not, because he tried to rip my magic from me while he knew I was pregnant. I should've killed him for that!"

"Your mistakes are yours to bear," Janus stated, stepping forward to join Virgil. "Even if the human betrayed you, you made the choice about what to do with that pain. He didn't force you to do what you did. You chose your path."

"You know nothing!" Madrina growled. "You don't know what it was like! The pain I was put through! Tearing magic from someone is like-"

"Tearing out their soul," Roman said, interrupting her. He joined the other two. "I don't care what you say. I do know what you're talking about. You didn't have to forgive the idiot, but you sure as hell didn't have to attack all humans because of it. What happened to me was an accident, but the pain was the same. You made the choice to become who you are. No one forced this upon you. Pain does not make one evil, but the choices you make because of that pain can. And the choices you made did."

"All humans have a great day and a good day were like him. Lying, cheating bastards!"

"No," Virgil stated. "You used one asshole as an excuse to try and execute a whole group of people. You forget that you were human as well. The only difference was that you had magic. You didn't hate humans, you hated anyone without magic. Having magic didn't make you not human."

"Magic was the only way. They didn't see that. None of them saw that!"

"Magic isn't the only way!" Roman snapped. "I lived most of my life without a drop of magic, and o survived just fine. If you can survive without it, it's not the only way."

"You're a nuisance," Madrina muttered, glancing over Roman. "I can feel the influence you have on him without even realizing it. But oh well. Distractions can be taken care of."

"What do you-" Roman froze mid sentence, collapsing towards the ground. Janus barely managed to catch him in time, and quickly lowered him to the ground to check for his pulse.

"What did you do?!" Virgil yelled. "What did you do to him?!"

"I simply triggered his power," Madrina said. "That should keep him out of the way for awhile."

"How dare you hurt him. If you thought I would ever join you after you hurt him, you were severely mistaken."

"If you aren't with me, you're against me." Virgil formed a sword out of magic.

"So be it."


Roman's vision swam when he opened his eyes. The sky was bright above him, a beautiful, vibrant blue. The grass was soft underneath him... grass. Not rubble. He wasn't at the castle.

Memories came back to him suddenly. He knew he wasn't supposed to be wherever he was, but he couldn't break his way out. He would have to go through this vision.

There was a large bush near him. As he sat up, there was movement from the bush, and a figure stepped out from the other side. Roman could hardly contain his shock.

"Hello there, Roman."

717 words.

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