23. Protectiveness

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Putting characters through hell is fun

TW: swearing, pain, talk of death, threats, protectiveness,


"What happened?" Roman asked quietly. His head was throbbing even more, and his memory was blank. He didn't know where he was, nor why he was soaking wet.

"It's alright," Virgil murmured. He quietly spoke a few words, making Roman's headache lessen slightly. "You're okay now. How do you feel?"

"I'm in pain," Roman muttered. "And I can't remember anything from the last who knows how long. Last thing I remember is walking with Remus."

"Do you want to try and sit up?" Virgil asked gently. "I'll be able to help more that way."

"Sure." Roman winced from the pain as he slowly sat up, immediately latching onto Virgil, who held him close and started running a hand along his back comfortingly. "Why am I wet?"

"Remus pushed you into the spring."

"Oh," Roman mumbled. "That explains the pain. How exactly am I alive?"

"A miracle," Virgil murmured. "Remus, however, is not going to get a miracle." Roman laughed quietly, melting into Virgil more.

"Don't kill my twin," Roman said, amusement clear in his voice. "You can hurt him all you want, but don't kill him."

"Fine." Virgil huffed, but looked at Roman with a soft expression. "Whatever you'd like. Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'll be fine," Roman said. "A little pain won't kill me."

"I'm going to point out the fact that he's awake right now," Janus said from where he was lying on the ground. He wasn't going to risk moving while Virgil was still on edge. That would likely end with him dead, and he quite liked being alive. "He shouldn't be awake."

"Why not?" Roman asked.

"I put a sleeping spell on you to knock you out for a bit," Virgil explained. "It shouldn't have worn off by now, which means you've either developed some sort of resistance to magic, or the water affected you more than we hoped."

"Oh." Their eyes met, and Roman blinked a few times to be sure he was seeing things correctly. "Why do your eyes look different?"

"You idiot," Janus called out. "I told you that you shouldn't have shifted yet. Your body wasn't fully ready."

"What's he talking about?" Roman asked.

"I may or may not have shifted into my dragon form for the first time to get here," Virgil said. "I'm going to be fine though. My eyes just look different. There shouldn't be any other aff-"

Virgil growled loudly as Remus tried to get up from where he had landed. Remus froze, slowly moving until he was laying back on the ground again.

"You were saying?" Janus asked sarcastically. "Looks like you've got the protective nature of a dragon left as well. Well, everyone but Roman is going to die."

"Wait what?" Roman blinked a few times, trying to process everything. "Why wouldn't I be affected by that as well?"

"Look at where you are right now," Janus said. "You're literally being held by him after you almost died. If anyone even steps near you Virgil is going to have them dead before he even knows what they wanted. You're the safest person ever in this situation."

"Okay, I'm not that far gone," Virgil muttered. "I don't think I would kill anyone over this."

"Oh really? Let go of Roman." Roman felt his face heat up as Virgil held him closer, growling quietly. "See. You won't even let go of him when no one is anywhere near you."

"And?" Virgil hissed.

"Calm down," Roman murmured, smiling softly at him. "I'm fine, Virgil. I'm still here."

"You almost died," Virgil muttered. "I don't know how to be calmer than this. All I want to do is kill Remus for almost getting you killed."

"I know," Roman said softly. He leaned into Virgil more, allowing the other to hold him closer. He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the protectiveness. "But I'm alright. I'm here. I'm not going to leave."

"But what if you do? I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

"As touching as this is, we have bigger issues right now," Janus spoke up. He was still lying on the ground. "Shit is going down, and we need to get everyone on the same page here. As bad as what just happened was, I think that proved we need to tell Remus what's going on. And that means I also need to know what's happening."

757 words.

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