8. Something Lost, Something Found

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Cue the anger at Virgil after this.

TW: swearing, Remus, jump scares, screaming, threats, little bit of unsympathetic Virgil, allusions to doing things without consent,


Virgil walked into the kitchen, still carrying a blushing Roman, who was feeling much better than when he was falling. The fall had been terrifying, but with Virgil he felt like he could relax. He felt safe.

"Got you bitch!" Someone jumped out of a cupboard with a loud yell, and Roman's first instinct was to latch onto Virgil more. He didn't even realize that he screamed, or that he was shaking, only that he was terrified.

"Oh shit," Virgil muttered. "Shhhh, it's alright, Roro. I'm here. Just breathe. You're okay. You're safe here. It's alright. I'm still here."

Roman whined quietly, his mind still locked into the fear. Virgil sighed and sat down in a chair, pulling Roman against him gently. He started running his fingers through his hair soothingly, ignoring Remus who was watching them with a shocked expression.


"Shh, you're alright," Virgil murmured. "I'm right here. There's nothing that will hurt you here. I'll protect you, Ro. I promise."

"How the hell is he here?" Remus asked. His skin was pale and his eyes were wide, the shock very apparent. "He- how is he here, Virgil?"

"Not the time Remus," Virgil said, glaring at him. Roman was shaking less, though he was still holding onto Virgil like a life line. "You're alright, Roman. I'm here to protect you. There's nothing here that can hurt you."

"Virgil tell me what the hell is going on!" Remus snapped. Roman flinched in Virgil's arms, and Remus felt guilty over scaring him. It's not like he meant it, but he was confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"Remus, if you don't shut up I will skin you alive," Virgil growled out. "If you scare him any more I will rip you apart so much that there won't even be a body left for them to find."

"Okay but how did that not scare him but I did?" Remus asked. He flinched when Virgil glared at him again.

"Don't ask questions, just stop scaring him." Roman whined quietly, instantly drawing Virgil's attention again. "It's alright, dear. I'm here. Just relax for me." Roman slowly but surely began to relax, melting into the soft, comforting touches the other was giving him. "That's it, just relax, pet."

"Pet?" Remus raised an eyebrow and Virgil sighed, knowing there was no way to avoid this conversation. "Why did you call him that and how is he even here?"

"I brought him off the isle," Virgil stated. "He wanted to leave, so I helped him."

"And what's with the name?" When Virgil only smirked at him Remus let out a frustrated sigh. "Roman, look at me please." Roman didn't even give any indication that he'd heard.

"When he's scared the panic mode sets in, and he'll only listen to me," Virgil explained. "I'm the one he trusts, so instantly he only will listen to my voice, even when the situation is over. Roman, you can look at your brother now. It's safe." Remus scowled as he saw the daze in Roman's caramel brown eyes.

"What the fuck did you do to him, Virgil?" Remus asked. "What the fuck did you do? I can tell you used your magic on him. His eyes are dazed and how he's acting doesn't seem right, so what spell did you use?" Virgil was silent, staring at Remus with cold eyes. "Did you use a love potion? He's acting like you used a love potion."

"I didn't use a love potion," Virgil said. "There are many spells that make someone dazed that aren't love potions. I had no need for a love potion."

"What did you do?" Remus hissed. "You'd better not fucking hurt him-"

"You really want to play this game with me?" Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow. "Last time I checked you were the one who terrified him immediately when we walked in the kitchen, and even if you didn't know that he was with me it was a dumb idea anyway. I wouldn't hurt him, because I don't hurt what belongs to me. Technically, as of now he belongs to me. He came here willingly, Remus. If you try to take him I will destroy you."

"There's no way he agreed to this," Remus stated. "No one in their right mind would agree to being put under a spell like this."

"You don't even know what spell I used," Virgil deadpanned. "Roman was completely fine before you scared him."

"What did you bring him here for?" Remus questioned angrily. "If you brought him here for your own personal pleasure that's just sick."

"I'm going to stop you right there." Remus' hand went to his throat immediately, realizing that his voice had been cut off by Virgil's magic. "I would never take someone for as sick of a reason as that. Anything I do he has the power to refuse, because unlike some others I give people the choice to do something or not. If you ever try to say that I'm that bad again I will murder you right where you stand." Remus gasped quietly as his voice came back.

"You can influence someone's decision with the spell," Remus said. "I don't believe that he knew what would happen."

"Then that's a you problem," Virgil said. "Leave him alone." Remus stormed out of the room, giving Virgil and Roman one last look. "Roman dear?"

"Yeah?" Roman looked up at Virgil, much more relaxed than before.

"If anyone ever touches you, or tries to hurt you, or tries to do anything to you that you don't like, just say my name," Virgil said softly. "Say my name and no matter how loud you say it I will hear you, and I will come. Even if you just think it, I will hear it. You'll always be safe here, even when I'm not around. Anyone who tries anything will meet their end. Do you understand?" Roman nodded, leaning into Virgil again and smiling softly.

1024 words.

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