32. Pushing Forward

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Oh we're getting so close to the end. I can feel it within my grasp.

TW: swearing, talk of death, collapsing buildings, arguing,


"What did he mean by I'm her greatest weakness..." Virgil mumbled. None of them had taken the loss very well, but there was no time to process it now. That would have to be pushed off until they either survived or died.

"I don't know, but I'm not sure we have much time to figure it out," Janus said, running a hand through his now messy hair. He had practically pulled it out from yanking on it so hard, but then he had shut down, leaving his emotions locked away. "It's the summer solstice, after all. Magic will be heightened, which means that now that Madrina is free she'll come here to finish what she started. Her magic will be strongest now, and she won't take chances on this."

"But what are we supposed to do?" Roman asked. His eyes were glossy and dark, a haunted look taking the place of the joyful spark that was usually vibrant in them. "If she's so powerful today then how can we do anything?"

"We'll figure something out," Janus stated. He didn't say what they were all thinking. They didn't have a choice. They had to figure something out, or they were doomed.

"So how long until you think she'll get here?" Janus glanced out the window, face paling.

"This is worse than we thought," Janus muttered. "It seems she had a dragon form."

The other two rushed to the window, shock and horror filling their expressions as hey followed Janus' eyes to the large dragon flying straight for the castle. Madrina's scales were glittering silver, with dark purple underbelly scales shining as well. Her eyes were dark blue and piercing.

And of course, she was entirely made of magic. There wasn't a part of her that wasn't see through, just a bing of magic linked together in a shape. Her magic seemed to flare around her as she flew, propelling her closer and closer.

"We need to find Maleficent and fast!" Janus shouted frantically. The three pulled their gazes from the form in the sky and ran, all the way last startled servants who were still up at this hour and to Maleficent's chambers. With no thought for courtesy, they banged on the doors.

"What do you want?" Maleficent asked as she opened the door. She looked pissed, but that for once wasn't the scariest thing happening.

"Madrina is flying here right now!" Janus rushed out. "She's a massive fucking dragon!"

"You can't be serious."

"But we are!" Virgil snapped. "She's back, and you need to accept that and help us. I get that she's got twin, but we're going to lose more than just Re- more people if you don't help us!"

"You don't understand," Maleficent said quietly. "I can't fight her. I'm not strong enough."

"And you don't understand how dumb you're being!" Everyone stared in shock at Roman, who had never once talked to an authority figure like that. Back talk, maybe, but yelling? Never. "You're being a coward by not fighting! You were a coward for not believing she'd be back in the first place. You're just trying to run away from your issues. I grew up scared of the villains because I was told you were the most intimidating and strongest people ever. Now I know you're just human like me. Scared, and weak."

Before she could respond there was a giant crash, and tremors that made the castle shake. The walls started to shake, and then one of the walls collapsed completely. Luckily the ceiling stayed up, or they all could've been crushed underneath the heavy stone. Even still, it was too close for comfort.

As the dust settled, the extent of the damage was revealed. Where a large part of the castle was, there was now a mostly flat area, the rubble from the fallen castle littering the ground. In the middle of the arena was Madrina, no longer in her dragon form. She let out a laugh, the sound cold and bitter. It made everyone's blood freeze in their veins.

"Well, well, well," she drawled. "Did you miss me?"

710 words.

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