21. Oh Shit

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You guys are so not ready for everything that's going to happen. Anyone want to make a guess on what's up with Madrina?

TW: swearing, everything from the last chapter applies here as well, death threats, death, magic,


Janus turned to see someone looking at him with a dark smirk. It was menacing and chilled him to the bone. His blood turned to ice as he looked at them.

"You really should be more careful about who's around when you shift," they commented. Their voice was nonchalant, but Janus could hear the dangerous edge to it. He would not be fooled by kind words and a calm tone. "You could get caught, you know."

"Are you the one who stole the books?" Janus asked. The person laughed, and Janus flinched at the awful sound. It was like nails on a chalkboard.

"The books are long gone," they stated. "Burned. No one will ever find out what secrets they contain. In fact, I have to kill you for even knowing about the books being gone. Nothing personal, little snake. Just business."

"You can't kill me," Janus stated. He had to bluff his way out of this. "It would be far too suspicious. Plus, there's someone who knows exactly where I am, and knows to expect me back. If I don't go back they'll get suspicious and will know that something happened to me."

"No one knows where you were," they said. "There's no way. You broke into the restricted section of the library. Anyone who knew that would be as good as dead. There's no one coming to help you, little snake. You're all alone."

"You sure about that?" It was Virgil. Janus almost yelled with glee and relief. Normally he could've protected himself just fine, but this person was creepy. He didn't like them in the slightest. "It appears that you're the one alone now?"

"This is none of your business, dragon bitch." Their eyes narrowed as they looked at Virgil. "I wonder how long it will take before they all know your secret."

"What are you talking about?" Virgil asked. He shook his head with a sigh. "No, I don't want to know. You're lying. It's time for you to go. In fact..." It only took a second for the magic to hit them directly in the heart. The smirk was still on their face as they coughed. "I'll help you leave."

"You're exactly like your mother, and you don't even know it," they said. Their voice was raspy, and they coughed a little more. "It's only so long before you fall apart at the seams." Virgil watched with a neutral expression as they died.

"Come on," Virgil said quietly. "We should go."

"Where's Roman?" Janus asked.

"He's resting in my room," Virgil said. "I didn't have time to, you know, before I came to find you."

"How did you know I was in trouble?"

"Roman started mumbling something about a strange person and you being in trouble," Virgil mumured. "I thought he was going to black out for a second, and then his eyes just flashed and his eyes looked clear and he told me to run or something bad would happen to you."

"So he's still..." Virgil nodded. "As soon as we get back to the room you need to take it off of him. Especially after this. We don't want more to be absorbed into him, or whatever is happening."

"What did you find out?" Virgil asked, glancing around to check for other people. The halls were empty.

"Your mother had a twin," Janus explained. "Her name was Madrina. She apparently had even stronger magic, and that apparently drove her crazy. Someone possibly tried to take her magic, and that made her snap completely. At the final battle, which was on the summer solstice, her magic got so strong that it burned away her body completely, leaving her just completely made of magic. She was imprisoned on the isle, which wasn't a prison for the losing side, it was a prison for her. There was no losing side. The two sides came to an agreement to work together and trap her."

"Woah," Virgil murmured. "That's.. wow. She just turned into pure magic?"

"That's what the book said," Janus said. "But now the books are gone. Luckily I was able to hide, because that guy ran into the library and stole the books. They said that they burned them. Those were the only copies of the books." The two had reached Virgil's door. Virgil opened it, and his face went pale.

"Janus, we need to find Roman."

"Wait, what?!" Janus exclaimed. "What's going on?"

"He's not here," Virgil muttered. "Which means someone took him. Remember what you said about Remus making his move soon?"


801 words.

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