5. An Escape

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Oh I can't wait for what's coming but I can't spoil anything-

I hope y'all are enjoying this book so far. Have a surprise update.

TW: swearing, mentions of what happened to Remus,


Roman was so tired. Oh so tired.

He had tried to sleep, he really had, but every time he got close his mind reminded him of what happened to Remus and he just couldn't. He couldn't sleep in the same house that his parents lived in. Roman really didn't want to hate them, but he didn't know how to feel. His emotions were haywire and he felt betrayed by his own family. They had lied to him repeatedly. He should've seen the signs. He should've seen it.

"Roman are you alright? You've been spacing out this entire time." Roman saw the concern in both Logan's and Patton's eyes. Which is why he had to tell them. He couldn't stay anymore.

"Do you know what happened to Remus?" Roman asked quietly.

"Roman you know what-"

"Enough is enough, Patton," Logan said quietly. "Yes, I know what really happened to Remus. In fact, I heard some of it. My parents told me never to repeat anything I heard, and I saw no reason to. I knew it would only make you more unhappy here." Logan raised an eyebrow at Roman. "So how did you hear about it?"

"The person from outside," Roman whispered. "I tried to ask my mom, but she lied. I should've seen it sooner. Everything pointed to it, but..."

"But you loved your parents, and you didn't want to think they could do something like that," Patton said quietly. "It's alright, Roman. You don't have to forgive them."

"I'm not," Roman said. The determination in Romans eyes made Logan freeze up.

"You can't mean..." Logan trailed off in shock as Roman just nodded.

"I'm leaving."

"But how? There's no way off," Patton said.

"There is if you know someone," Roman stated. "He offered to take me off of the isle. I'm going to leave."

"Ask what the price is," Logan said. "Don't go without knowing the price. How much do you trust him?"

"I trust him completely."

"When are you leaving?" Patton asked.

"Tonight," Roman said. "Or at least, he said that he would wait for me in case I changed my mind about staying. I thought I could still stand it but.... I really can't. I can't sleep in that house. I can't be here knowing what happened."

"It's alright, Roman," Logan murmured. "We understand. Just please, be safe."

"I'm going to get you out if I can," Roman said. "I'll try to find a way for you to get off. It might take a bit, but I will be trying. Just as long as you still try as well."

"We'll keep looking," Logan reassured him. "Be safe, Roman."

"I'll try."


"So? Are you going to come?" Virgil asked. Roman was shifting back and forth on his feet with nervous energy.

"Yeah," Roman whispered. "I thought I could do it, but the thought of what they did makes me feel sick. I couldn't sleep. I tried asking about it, but my mom lied again."

"Why did you choose to believe me over them?" Roman just sighed, giving Virgil this tired and sad look.

"The story made sense," Roman explained. "Then I even got my two friends to confirm it... you've given me no reason to doubt you. Why shouldn't I have believed you?"

"The way you grew up," Virgil said. "Most others wouldn't have even talked to me on that first day, especially after finding out who I am."

"Most people here aren't gay, either," Roman said. "That doesn't mean they don't exist. Anyway, Logan said something about asking about a price to get off the isle. So what's your price?"

"I do have a price, but it isn't necessary," Virgil said. "I want help with something, but the details don't matter until we're off of the isle anyway. Even then, if you want to back out of it then you can. I'm not going to force you to help me if you're not comfortable with what you have to do."

"That seems fair," Roman said. He gave Virgil a small smile. "Well I'm ready to go if you are."

"Do you have anything you want to bring?" Roman shook his head. "But don't you want clothes or something?"

"I really don't have many clothes, and any I have really worn last long at all," Roman muttered. "We're a little... short on supplies and things here."

"That's fine," Virgil murmured. "We'll just get you new clothes. Clothes fit for a prince."

"I'm not a prince, Virgil."

"We'll see about that."

787 words.

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