25. The Tower

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Oh you guys are in for a ride

And the title has nothing to do with the chapter unless you know tarot.

TW: swearing,


"Logan, why do we have to go back?" Patton asked quietly. They were sneaking into the library again. With only a week left until the summer solstice, the magic lady had grown more impatient about making sure everything was ready. "You already said you don't trust her. Why are we still helping?"

"Patton, listen to me very carefully." Logan took both of Patton's hands in his own, giving him a serious expression. "This is the only way out. We aren't going to get out without help. We don't have a way out. I don't trust her in the slightest, but this is our only chance to ever see Roman again. Our only chance to escape this hell of an island. If we don't help her she can still figure it out on her own. She doesn't need our help, no matter what she's saying."

"Then why are we helping her? I know you want to get off of this place, and I do, too, but it just feels risky."

"It is. This could all blow up in our faces." Logan sighed. "I'm not going to lie to you, Pat. We might not make it out of this hell. We could easily die in the process of this. But I can't let myself stop trying to get out. I can't give up on this. Not when we're so close."

"Almost," Patton whispered. "Only a week left... maybe we'll get off. But what happens if something goes wrong? What if people get hurt?"

"No matter what happens, it isn't our fault," Logan murmured. "Because she can do this herself. In a way, this is stupid of me to let us keep doing this, but I'm intrigued. I want to know what's going on. I want to know what's happening around here. Anything that happens will be her fault since she can do this anyway. I know she's lying about needing help. Aren't you curious about all of this?"

"I am, but.."

"I'm not going to force you to help," Logan said. "This is completely your choice. I won't make you help if you aren't comfortable. In the end, all that matters to me is that you have the choice. You've already got most of the choices in your life chosen for you. We all have here. It's time that we get to choose what to do. So I'm not going to make you do anything. I'm not going to expect anything from you. If you want to help and find out what's happening, you can, and if you don't want to, you don't have to."

"Thank you, Lo. But... I think I'll help you. I don't want to let you go through this alone, and you're right. The curiousity is killing me."

"So, we're in this together?"

"We're in this together."


"Are you sure this is going to work?" Virgil asked. The four were standing in front of the spring again, Roman standing behind Virgil instinctively. Time was ticking down on them, and they were all concious of it.

"You need to increase your magic's power," Janus stated. "We don't know what's going to happen. Yes, it's going to be elevated on the solstice, but if Madrina does try to escape then you're going to need any power you can get. That also means Roman is going to have to do this as well."

"Why?" Roman asked defensively. "I don't have magic!"

"Tell that to the magic that is literally a part of you now," Janus deadpanned. "Look, you may not like to believe it, and I understand why you don't like the spring, but you need to drink from it or this is going to get worse."

"Wait, doesn't the spring take away magic though?" Remus looked sceptical. "How is this going to help them?"

"When poured upon someone, the spring takes away the magic," Janus explained. "But when given to someone to drink, it can actually help increase the magic power of that person. WIth Virgil that will help him be able to transform better and also help him use stronger spells. For Roman that will help his clairvoyance not be so painful, and also help him be able to use it willingly. Both of those things are necessary for what's coming. We need insight on what's about to happen. The only way we'll get that is through Roman."

"I think I'm willing to try," Roman whispered. "If you think it'll help.."

"It will. Now, it's time to drink the water."

779 words.

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