24. Information

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Time to recap all of the information we have so far and string together the random pieces of information you've been given, as well as filling in some blanks.

TW: swearing, talk of death, talk of stillborn children,


"So.... how the hell did all of this start?" Remus asked quietly. "And what even is this?"

"One day I heard a few people talking," Virgil started. "They mentioned something about the isle and it's destruction. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but I knew it wasn't good. So I went to the isle. I watched for awhile and looked for anyone who might be able to help. Then I met Roman."

"I agreed to come back after he told me the truth of what... happened," Roman mumbled. "We got off of the isle, and then I was told the plan that he had to find out what was going on."

"The agreement was that he would stay under the modified spell so no one would suspect anything," Virgil explained. "He could collect information and so could I. The changes to the spell must have changed it too much to avoid bad affects though, because Roman had a headache the first time I brought him out of the spell."

"Later I passed out or whatever. It was.. awful, to say the least," Roman whispered. "I saw so many things. So many awful things. I can't- I can't talk about it. There was a date. The summer solstice. That was all I can tell you."

"It's alright, Ro," Virgil murmured. "That's when we learned that my magic was most likely latching onto Roman's mind, giving him the power of clairvoyance. He randomly gets visions now, and that was his first one. Janus then tried to figure out what was happening with him, and... well, I guess you'd be better to tell that part."

"I went to the restricted section of the library," Janus explained. "I sadly couldn't find anything like what's happening to Roman in the time I had, and since the books are now destroyed, I'm not going to be able to. But I found something else. Apparently Maleficent has a sister named Madrina, who essentially became crazy, most likely because of someone trying to steal her magic. Both sides worked together on the day of the final battle, the summer solstice, to try and trap her. The isle was built as a prison for her. During the final battle her magic got so strong it burned away her physical form completely, leaving her completely made of magic."

"Holy shit," Remus breathed out. "That's..."

"I know," Janus said. "Very surprising, but that's not even the most controversial part. Apparently she had been pregnant before the war, but no one knows what happened to the child. There were rumors that it was stillborn."

"Oh damn. You mentioned that the books are gone. What happened to them?" Remus asked.

"Some person came running into the restricted section, but luckily I had time to hide. They took the books and left. When I went out they were there and said the books had been burned, and hen would've killed me if Virgil hadn't shown up since Roman had a vision of me being in trouble. Then I filled Virgil in and we found Roman missing, leading us to now."

"And this all has just been happening without anyone realizing?" The three nodded, and Remus sighed. "Oh my god. That's... a lot to take in."

"Yep," Virgil said. "And don't think you're off the hook. I still want to kill you." Remus shrunk back with an awkward laugh.

"That's... that's honestly fair," Remus mumbled.

"Virgil, calm down," Roman murmured. "I'm going to be alright. We need a plan, and we aren't going to be able to make one if you're constantly threatening Remus. I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to me."

"I... okay." Virgil sighed. "You're right. It's just hard to calm down. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I know, Virgil. It's alright."

"Anyway, what are we going to do? Shit is about to go down and we have zero plan. How many days do we even have left?" Janus asked.

"We only have a week and three days left," Virgil said with a sigh. "It's not much time at all, especially considering we don't know what we're dealing with."

"Well, it might just be enough," Janus said. "I have an idea."

745 words.

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