12)"I can take care of you too."

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BEFORE you read this chapter. Please, please, please go check out the updated casting chapter so you can see the additions I've made. Thanks💓


Movement on the other side of the bed wakes me. I turn over, facing a sleeping Tupac.

The cover is almost over his whole head.

As I sit up I pull the cover down so I can see his face. This is the only time I've seen him completely at ease. No worry or stress written on his face.

Just rest.

Last nights events wash over me. I smile to myself a little.

Lesane is a gentleman.

He insisted that we wait to have sex, and I guess he's right. Thats the best thing to do. So after we had our fun, we watched a little TV and he fell asleep, I did soon after.

I try to get up from the bed as quietly as possible, but just as my feet touch the floor, I feel the back of my t-shirt being pulled.

"Where you going?" Lesane's sleepy voice makes me turn to face him.

His eyes aren't even open.

"You want something to eat?" I ask.

"Mhm." He mumbles sleepily, before turning over.

I smile to myself a little.

"Well you gotta get up because I'm not bringing it to you." I say, before shaking him slightly.

He groans.

"Stop." He whines.

"Get up." I laugh, pulling the covers off of him.

Lesane yawns before getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed. My eyes trace over his back tattoos, making me bite my bottom lip softly.

He gets up from the bed slowly and faces me. The Tupac I know is back. Worry and stress written on his face once again.

"What time is it?" He asks.

I shrug.

He fumbles around the room looking for his wrist watch, he finally finds it underneath the blanket. His eyes widen as his gaze fixes on the time.

"Fuck." He spits, grabbing his clothes, putting one piece on after the other.

"What's wrong?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I got something to do." He says, before grabbing his keys and leaving my room.

I follow him, not sure what to say or do.

Tupac stops at the door and looks at me.

"I'll call you. Igh?" He kisses my forehead and walks out door, closing it behind him. The sudden silence of my apartment makes me frown.

I don't know what I expected from him.



"You might wanna stay from round here for a while man." Grant says. "The police came round here and found the detectives car before I could crush it." He adds.

"Did they ask you questions?" I stuff my hands in my pockets, leaning against the hood of my car.

"Of course. But I told em ian know nothin, that I wasnt on duty the day the car showed up out here."

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