1) "I need a new damn job."

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"Any luck? Jamie comes from the kitchen, sitting a cup on the table in front of me.

"Girl no. When I first started working at the bank there were so many jobs in the paper it was ridiculous." I roll my eyes.

It seems like now that I need a new job there are none available. "Well maybe you can hold out for a little longer, besides, you've never been there when they were robbed." She shrugs, sipping from her cup.

"There's only a matter of time before I am though."

"I guess your right." She adds, turning on the TV.

"So since your over here so late, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you and Braden had an argument this morning." I say, making her suck her teeth.

"You know us too well. B accused me of cheating." She says.

"Well, are you? I chuckle.

"Yes and no. It was a one time thing." She laughs, making me shake my head. "Braden is a good man Jamie, you gotta stop treating him like that. He told me he wants to marry you."

"Marriage isn't my thing."


"Ooh look, they're talking about your bank." She turns up the TV before I can say anything.

"We think we have a suspect but there's not enough evidence for us to arrest him-"

"That's a damn shame, they probably aren't even trying. Them niggas den robbed y'all like four times now. It's getting rediculous." Jamie says.



"How do you know they're black? I chuckle.


"You said niggas. How do you know they're black?

"Bitch you know damn well they black, ain't no white boys out here robbing banks four and five times." She laughs, before changing the channel.

"You never know.."


"Goodmorning Ricky." I say, as I come into work.

I feel his eyes on my butt as I walk past. Ricky is fine supa fine. He's one of the security guards here and he's had a crush on me for a while.

But with the amount of women I see coming out of his apartment across from mine, I would never give him the time of day.

"Ooooh its a good morning indeed." He says, making me chuckle.

I head towards the back to clock in for the day when the entire building falls silent.

"Y'all know the routine, get y'all asses on the ground!


I turn around and there's four men in black approaching the tellers. One of them looks at me and I suddenly realize I'm the only one still standing up.

"Bitch I said get yo ass on the ground! One of the men starts walking towards me with a gun. He's taller than me, but shorter than the rest of the men with him.

The mask they all have on only show their eyes. His eyes are brown, and kind of pretty, and his eyelashes are thick like a girl.

I slowly lower myself to the ground while he watches.

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