15)"She's weird."

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Friday 6:38 PM

"I wanna thank everybody for coming out for Black Cotton's one year anniversary." Lesane speaks into a mic.

He's standing on the stage in all his club owner glory.

We haven't had any alone time since last weekend. We've mainly only seen each other at work which feels kind of strange.

He said he had to prepare for something.

Black Cotton's 1 year anniversary had to be what he was talking about.

"Y'all better enjoy yaselves because tonight all the drinks is on us." He says, making cheers erupt from the crowd. "You still gotta pay for that food though, I need some of my money back." He adds, making everyone laugh.

"So everybody get your groove on tonight and let me know if you need anything." He says, before turning the mic off and hopping down from the stage.

Lesane immediately gets swallowed by the giant crowd of people.

"This is nice." Kiada says, stepping into my view.

"Yea, it is." I shrug.

"I wanna talk to you about something." She says, making me start to walk away from her.

"If its about me and Lesane then you can forget it." I say, as she follows me through the crowd of people.

"Its important." Dada says, raising her voice over the music. I turn to look at her, her face is serious, nervous even.

"Okay." I say, making her grab me by the arm and pull me upstairs onto the balcony where its a little quieter.

"So what's so important?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest. Kiada twists the ring on her middle finger nervously.

"Lesane is-"

"Hey baby, what y'all doing up here?" Tupac asks, coming up the stairs towards us. I smile, as he kisses my cheek. Sweat glistens on his shirtless torso, He's obviously been dancing.

"Kiada wanted to talk to me about something." I say, making him look at her with a stale expression.

Kiada's eyes roll over his chest, her gaze sticking to his new tattoo. I watch as her eyes shift to his forearm where her name used to be.

"That couldn't wait until after we close? I need all my servers on deck. We hot tonight." Pac says, glancing between the both of us. Kiada is looking down at her feet, biting her bottom lip.

"I don't know. She said it was important." I say, making her look up at me.

"It can wait." She says, before turning on her heels and walking back downstairs.

"That was weird." I say.

"She's weird." Lesane says, placing his hands on my shoulders before pulling me into a hug.

"Eww your sweaty." I squeal, trying to get out of his grip.

"You love it." He chuckles, before letting me go. "Around eight-ish ima be gone for about an hour. Can you hold it down for me?" He asks, looking me in my eyes.

"Where you going?"

"Check on the house. My lil sister there alone and she like to try to cook things." He says, making me laugh lightly. "When am I gonna meet her?" I ask.

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