28) "Ready to live in that lil bubble?"

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"Baby, I love you, but this is a terrible idea." Lesane says, as we set up the table.

"Its Thanksgiving Pac, I'm sure everybody can get along for a couple hours, especially since there will be food involved." I say, making him shrug.

"And besides, it's too late for doubts now. So I hope you can fix your attitude by six o'clock." I laugh, making him suck his teeth.

"Well. I just don't see this going good Dri. Ya mama ain't even met me, and my mama don't like you... what exactly do you expect from this baby?" He turns to me, holding my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles softly.

I furrow my eyebrows a little.

Maybe he's right, this can only go badly.

My comedic relief won't even be here to lighten the mood. I haven't heard from Jamie in months, I guess she wants me to take a hint. She's perfectly fine with her weird life or whatever. But a part of me thinks that Jamie would never abandon me without explanation.

I just figured we could all put our differences aside for one night, I even invited my brother.

"As much as I'd love to live in this little bubble where just me and you exist, we have families. We can't shut them out. By inviting them it shows that we're being the bigger people." I smile.

"I ain't no damn bigger person." Pac mumbles, making me roll my eyes.

"Well. You will be tonight. Go put the greens on the stove." I nudge him away.


"This look igh?" Lesane asks, walking over to me as he puts his other watch on.

"Is someone nervous?" I chuckle, kissing him on the cheek. "You look good baby, don't stress." I add, turning to myself in the mirror.

My own nervousness has me trembling slightly. I know my mom is gonna have something to say about my dress, and Tupac's excessive jewelry.

Hell, she'll probably have something to say about the entire house.

"What time is it?" I ask, smoothing my dress in the front. "6:16."

The doorbell rings, just as I started to say something. Serenity barks in the room across the hall. Me and Lesane argued about whether or not we should lock her in the room, we ultimately decided that it was best because my mom hates dogs around the food and so does his.

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