29) "Kaleel...hey."

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After last night, I needed a little space from everyone, even Pac.

Jada and Will spent the night because I didn't want them driving all the way home at such a late hour. I snuck out while everyone was asleep and decided to take a walk around a park in our neighborhood.

It feels like I haven't had alone time like this in forever.

I sit down on a bench and cross my legs, fixing my sweater a little.

The weather is perfect today, not cold, just a little windy, and the sun is giving just the right amount of warmth.

What my mom said to me is still stuck in my head. But Lesane wouldn't use me.. after all we've been through there's no way he would even think of treating me badly... I guess.

I don't understand why she's always so angry with me. It's like I can never be good enough for her. She treats Andrew like he's perfect and he's the biggest screw up I know.

When I graduated college, the plan was to become a doctor, or atleast that was my mom's plan. I never wanted to be a doctor, or nurse of anything in the medical field. But she was always pushing me towards that. So when I graduated, I told myself that I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do something that I never wanted to do.

I found a job at the bank and I actually liked it.

I remember her being so pissed at me. We didn't speak for months and she never even checked on me when I moved out and got my apartment at first. Eventually she stopped being childish, but she obviously still has a problem with me.

I just don't know what it is.

I was an idiot for thinking we could all be civil for one night. Hell, Pac told me that and I should've listened.

A red bird catches my eye, I blow a kiss at it like my grandma always told me to. She said it's good luck or something.

"Some thangs never change." A voice says, making me look to the right of me.

My heart drops into my stomach.

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