4) "Insane can kiss my ass."

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"Oh my God your so cute!" A woman squeals, pulling me into a hug.

"Igh Kiada let her go." Tupac says, making her roll her eyes at him.

He brought me to the kitchen where most of the table girls hang out until the food for their tables are ready. The girl who hugged me is pretty, light skinned with brown hair and eyes full of excitement.

"Aye everybody, this is Adrienne. Welcome her to the family, show her the ropes." Tupac says, before going back into the main room, leaving me with the rest of the cooks and waitresses.

"Sorry if that was weird. I'm Kiada." She says, holding a hand out for me to shake. "You can call me Dada if you want to, everybody else does."

I shake her hand and smile.

"Can I call you Adri?" She asks.

"Sure why not." I chuckle, making her hug me again. This one is really friendly.

She takes me around the kitchen introducing me to people who only partly pay attention. All the girls that work here are so pretty. Prettier than me.

"Oh and this is Michael, he's the head cook." She says, tapping him on the shoulder as he flips a burger.

"Mikey this is Adrienne." Kiada says, he doesn't look up until she taps him a second some.

He does a double take, his eyes locking with mine, a smile forming on his face.. He's cute.

I wave shyly. "Its nice to meet you." I say.

We stare at each other for a while before I look down at the burger starting to blacken on the grill.

"The burger Mikey." Kiada chuckles, making him fumble. She pulls me away from him to meet someone else.

After a while she gives me a notepad and a pen. She stuffs some straws in the pocket of my apron and grabs a clipboard off the wall. "So your name isn't on the roster thing yet. You can split tables with me. I have way too many tonight anyway." She says, putting the clipboard back.

"Would Lesane be okay with that?" I ask.

"Who cares. Insane can kiss my ass." She says, I laugh at her half hearted joke. So I'm assuming they have some history.

"The table numbers are hanging above each table. He had to do it like that cause some of these broads are slow, but it'll come in handy since your new." Kiada says.

"Dada come get this plate, you backing us up!" Someone calls her name. She scribbles down some numbers on a napkin and hands it to me before hurrying to the front.

These must be the tables she wants me to do.

My nervousness starts to set in as I realize I'm alone.

"Breathe." I mumble outloud.

I leave the kitchen, looking down at the napkin. I can barely see the number tags above each table because of how dark it is.

Drunk customers bump into me, a few of them asking where the bathroom is, I point them in random directions because I don't know.

Shit. This is gonna take some getting used to.


I go up to the balcony where its quieter. I know if I sit by my boys downstairs I won't see no peace and them broads gon be all over a nigga. I just like it better up here because I can see what's going on in the entire club from this spot.

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