6)"Your fired."

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Happy Birthday 2pac, you have been a big influence on my taste in music and poetry. I love you dearly and I know your partying hard in the sky💓


"I mean yea, we can. Its not like I have anything better to do." I say, talking on the phone with Jamie. "It'll be fun, my coworker Kiada said she wanted to go shopping anyway."

"Kiada? Oh umm that really pretty bright skinned girl?" Jamie asks.

"Yea, I think you'll like her. She's a fire cracker like you."

"I am not a fire cracker."

"If you say so J."


"Oh my goodness this is too cute right?" I ask the girls, holding a dress up to my body.

"Girl no. Your butt is too big for that." Jamie says, before taking it from me and turning to Dada. "It'll look cute on her though." She adds.

"Why? Cause my ass is flat?" Dada asks, before laughing.

"It sure is. But at least you got some hips." I say.

We walk around the store for a while before going outside into the sunshine. Jamie and Kiada seem to be hitting it off, I can tell that she'll be her second best friend already.

"Hey Dri, did you hear that Freefield bank got robbed?" Jamie asks, as we walk to my car.

"Yea, which is so weird because Freefield is like one of the best secured banks I know of. I wonder if its the same guys." I say, before pointing to an ice cream shop and we walk towards it.

Kiada stays silent as we talk about the bank robberies.

"Sis, you alright?" Jamie asks her.

"Yea I'm good. What flavor y'all getting?" She asks.

"Definitely cookies and cream." I say. "Oh or Butter pecan." I add.

"Ew no. I like the cotton candy one." Jamie says, making me and Kiada give her a face.

"You nasty."


"Babe your off right?" Annika says, as she sits two glasses on the table in front of her. I nod.

"Lesane said for you to come get your check from him when you finish up." She says, before walking away.

I finished cleaning the table I'm at before taking off my apron and heading up to his office.

We get paid every two weeks, so that's how often I even see Tupac. He went from ignoring me to avoiding me completely after I went to his office to check on him last week.

I never found out what happened to his shoulder, but I heard from one of the other girls that he got shot or something, that's a little hard for me to believe though.

I knock on his office door before I hear him say come in.

As soon as I come in, I see my check sitting on the desk, but when I approach him and reach for it, he puts his hand over it.

I just furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Umm did you need something?" I ask.

He gets up from the chair at his desk and closes the office door.

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