22) "Who are you?"

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I watch as Adrienne's expression changes from fear to annoyance and then to something I can't understand.

She just stands there, staring at me.

"You did hear me say sit down right?" I say, making her scoff.

"How did you get in here?" She asks, folding her arms over her chest. She looks tired, beautiful, but tired. There's dark circles under her eyes and her hair is thrown into a ponytail that recived little effort.

I pull a key from my pocket.

"Made a copy when you first gave it to me." I say, holding it up. Adrienne sucks her teeth.

"You need to leave, I don't wanna talk about anything right-"

"I said, sit down." I repeat, my patience growing thin.

It's only been two days of us not talking, barely that, and I don't think I can deal with it for much longer, so we're gonna sit and talk whether she wants to or not.

Adrienne walks over to the bed slowly, sitting on the edge of it, as far away from me as she can get. I feel another twinge of annoyance at her action.

"What?" She questions, looking down at her feet.

There's a pause as I try to get my words together. There isn't much for me to say that she doesn't already know, but I just thought it wouldn't hurt to try to make her understand, to make her a little less mad at me.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"I know."

"Are you really scared of me?" I ask, genuinely wanting to know her answer. If she is, I understand, but she has to know I would never hurt her.

Adrienne looks up at me, her normally vibrant eyes now dull, peering a hole into my soul.

"I'm scared of losing you." She says.

"You won't-"

"I know you don't do what you do for no reason Lesane. I know there's a reason, a good one. Sadly it's probably one that I'll never be able to fully understand."

"I get it. I get that there are people that probably wanna kill you." She says, her eyes glancing down at my chest. "So I know that you have to protect yourself and that's okay."

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