11) "can we talk?"

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Quick A/N - the POV goes back and forth alot between Pac and Adrienne because they spend alot of time together in this chapter, hope its not too annoying. Enjoy💞


I sit at the desk in my bedroom, writing out reasons I think Lesane is involved with the bank robberies.

A few weeks ago I wouldn't have dared thinking he was apart of something so bad, but the longer I hang around him and BC, the more reasons I have to be suspicious.

I glance over at the wall clock.

Five past eight. After picking up my check earlier today I had nothing more to do so its been a slow day. I get up from my desk and head to the kitchen to pour my third glass of wine.

Then there's a knock on my apartment door.

"Who is it?" I raise my voice, walking closer to the door.


I roll my eyes, "Go away."

"I wanna talk Adrienne, can we talk?" He asks, a sincerity in his voice I haven't heard before.

I walk towards the door slowly, just as I open it he had turned his back to walk away. He turns around and our eyes meet, he looks frustrated, like somethings wrong.

"Hey." I say.

Lesane gives a small smile. "Hey."

We stare at each other for a while, him twisting the rings on his fingers nervously.

"Can I come in?" He asks, I nod, stepping aside.

All of the anger I had towards him this morning disappeared when I saw his sad face.

"Are you.. okay?" I ask, as we sit down on my couch.

It takes him a while to say anything, he sighs before shifting in his seat and clearing his throat.

"I wanna apologize, for everything. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was tryna run game on you or nothing like that.. How you left this morning didn't sit right with me.." he says, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh." I say, not sure of what he wants to hear.

"I don't know how to really do this right, but I want to get to know you better. Because you make me feel... different, happy."

My eyes widen, but I turn away from him so he wont notice. What is he asking me?

"I guess what im tryna ask is if I can take you out sometime? Somewhere nice." He says.

I nibble on my bottom lip nervously, turning towards him, he's already looking at me. But I have so many questions, not just about the robberies, but about Kiada and even the fact that I dont know anything about him.

Why should I trust him?

"You and Kiada?" I ask, he immediately sucks his teeth and massages his temples.

"I'll be honest. We had dealings a few weeks ago.. but that was the only time since we been broke up." He says. A part of me wants to punch him in his face, but the other part knows I have no reason to.

I just look at him, studying his features. The light from the lamp behind me reflects off his nose ring, making it glisten. His eyelashes are beautiful, but not as beautiful at the eyes behind them.

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