13) "Hey."

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"So you and Insane huh?" Kiada says, as I grab an order for a table off the counter.

"That's not really any of your business." I say.

She follows me, making me roll my eyes.

I sit the plates down on the table in front of a couple. They look a little older than me, maybe late twenties.

"Y'all let me know if you need anything else, okay?" I raise my voice over the music. They nod, and I turn to face Kiada.

"He's a liar. He's already lying to you." She says, as we walk back to the kitchen.

"About what?" I fold my arms, not believing anything she says. She's just jealous. She said it herself.

Dada hesitates and her light complexion turns a little pink.

"I can't tell you.. Its not my place."

"Girl bye." I wave her off, walking away from her.

I'm sick of this little game she thinks she's playing. We're not friends anymore, so nothing she has to say is relevant, especially if its about me and Tupac.

Just as I'm about to go into the kitchen, I see Tupac standing at his place on the balcony, He's talking to someone, a guy I've seen around the club before. He's a little taller than him and he's light skinned.

The conversation looks stressed, just as I'm about to look away, Tupac looks down and waves at me.

I wave back.


When I get home to my apartment, the first thing I do is get in the shower.

I have to figure out how I'm gonna get Jamie out of that house.

How did she even meet this DeVante guy and where the hell did he come from. Whoever he is, He's definitely a little off and he's not someone Jamie would normally be around.

I should've went over there sooner.

Maybe I could've prevented this.

After rinsing off, I turn the shower off. I can hear Tupac coming in.

I wrap the towel around myself and walk across the hall to my bedroom.

"Hey." Pac says, kissing my cheek.


"Can I use your shower? Would've went home but I figured you'd be sleep by the time I went there and back." Lesane says.

"Yea sure." I say, still facing my mirror. I see him start to take off his clothes, I quickly bring my focus back to myself in the mirror.

"You quiet." He says, standing behind me, putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Sorry. I just got a lot on my mind." I say, turning to face him, his black basketball shorts making his print visible. I trace a tattoo on his forearm that I've never noticed before. Its a crown, with Kiada's nickname below it.

Lesane sucks his teeth before taking my hand off the tattoo and kissing my knuckle gently.

"Ima get it covered up." He says.

I just give a soft smile.

No wonder that bitch walking around like everybody gotta bow down to her. I knew they were serious at one point, but a tattoo? That's seriously serious.

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