9) "Yea, whatever."

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As I come into work, I find myself looking for Tupac, Not so I can see him, but so I can avoid him.

But he's probably already avoiding me.

I'm pretty sure we both know that Saturday night shouldn't have happened. He was out of it and I was so tired that my eyes were starting to cross.

It was a mistake.

"Hey Dada." I say, hanging my purse on a hook next to hers. She just looks at me and then walks away.

I walk after her, tapping her shoulder. "Umm hello bitch. Did you hear me speak to you?" I chuckle. But she gives me the same look again.

"Did you have fun Saturday night?" She asks, folding her arms.

I furrow my eyebrows.

When I don't answer, a smirk forms on her glossed lips. "Yea I overheard you and Pac's lil play time the other night."

I could've sworn everybody was gone when I left that night. But her and Lesane broke up like two years ago, why is she even mad about it?

"Dada I.." I hesitate, not really knowing what to say. I definitely don't owe her an apology because we're all grown and she's never even told me the full story behind her and him. And besides, its not like I even wanna date him.

"Yea. Whatever." She says, walking away.

Someone taps my shoulder, making me turn around. Its one of the security guys that stand outside of Lesane's office during work hours.

"Mr. Shakur wants to talk to you."


"I'm tellin you man. We on thin ice. Yesterday I saw a detective sittin out front." Q says, folding his arms.

"Hell yea. If they step with a warrant, we screwed." Raheem adds.

I glance between both of them, thinking of my next move.

"Igh. I'll move the cash tonight. As for the detective, I'll take care of that too." I say, making Q suck his teeth.

"You keep on sayin that. Just remember if one of us go down, we all do. And If I go down first, I'm taking this whole circus with me." He says, before getting up and walking out.

"No disrespect Pac, but he right. We gotta hit that last bank and wrap this up." Raheem says, before leaving too.

I rub my temples, feelin a headache coming on.

A soft knock makes me look up at the door.

"You wanted to talk to me?" Adrienne asks as she walks in, stopping in front of my desk.

"I wanna talk about Saturday night." I say, chewing on the end of my pen.

Of course what happened that night was nice, but it shouldn't have happened yet. I gotta secure this last hit and make sure I'm free and clear of the authorities before I get close to this girl.

The life I'm living now could ruin hers.

I wanna be better for her and not drag her into my shit. Adrienne just nods, sitting in the chair in front of me.

"You know that can't happen again." I say, looking at her face, but she's not looking at me. She's looking down at her hands in her lap.

"I think from now on we should only speak when its necessary." I add, her face doesn't change. Does she not care?

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