3) "you following me huh?"

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I walk away from her. Sum about her makes me feel less in control. I don't like that feeling.

I feel a hand on my shoulder turn me around. "I said I wasn't done talking to you." She says, looking me in my eyes, like she did at the bank.

"Look I'm not trying to be rude by declining your gift. Its just that I don't know you and I can't accept this much money from you, or anyone." She says.

I just stare at her.

Fuck she's beautiful. Her eyes are oaktree brown and her skin is dark chocolate at its finest. Her dreads are down to her hips, I want to touch them.

Any other bitch would take that money and run, or at least suck my dick as a thank you.. But she is definitely different.

"Hello? Earth to Lesane, or Tupac, whoever you are." She waves her hand in my face again, making me look up at her eyes again.

"Its yours."

She furrows her eyebrows at me. But then her face lights up as if she has an idea. "Fine. Thank you." Adrienne says, before walking past me and down the stairs. I want to follow her, to see what she was doing tonight, maybe take her somewhere nice that she's never been before.

But she deserves better than a nigga like me.

•Two days later•

After seeing that he definitely wasn't going to take the money back, I had an idea to do something useful with it.

I called into the Lucky's grocery store on fifth avenue and told them that I'd pay for the first ten people's groceries. Mostly older women shop there, so I know it'd be put to good use.

But I can't help but wonder why he sent me that money.

Did he want me to do something for him? It just doesn't make sense that someone who doesn't even know me would give me that much money for no reason at all.

Since I quit my job, there hasn't been much to do. Of course I've been trying to find a new one but there isn't much available. 

I'm slightly worried, the first of the month is approaching quickly and I'm gonna need to pay my bills.

I know what your thinking: why didn't you keep the money?

Well because there's always someone more in need, and I know I'll figure something out.

I put on some clothes and decide that I'll just go door to door at some businesses and ask if they're hiring. After all, the paper doesn't always catch job openings.


"This is absolutely useless." I sigh, leaning against my car.

I've went to six different places and none of them are hiring. I close my eyes, feeling the sun beaming down on me.

Its already one o'clock. I've been out since eight thirty this morning.

"You following me huh? A voice says, making me open my eyes.

Tupac is coming out of one of the buildings I was in. He lights a cigarette as he walks towards me. "No. I'm not." I say, he smirks.

"Heard you asking if they was hiring. You need a job asum?" He asks. I look him up and down, he has on a black button down that's slightly open at the top and black jeans and shoes. A gold chain hangs from his neck that almost blinds me.

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