16)"Oh... sweet heart."

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"You busy?"

"Nah. Why?" Lesane speaks into the phone. "You wanna come pick me up? I need to go grocery shopping and I figured you should come with me since your coming over tonight." I say.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something right now Dri." He says, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Please. You'll get to pick dinner tonight." I say.

"I'm on the phone. Gimme a minute." He says, talking to someone else. "Yea igh. Want me to come now or you needa put some clothes on?" He asks.

"Umm.. Give me like thirty." I say.

"Igh." He says, before hanging up. He must be in a bad mood.


The car ride to the grocery store is quiet. My leg shakes anxiously as I wait for Lesane to say something, anything.

"What's wrong with you?" I finally ask, without looking at him.

We've stopped at a red light.

"Nothin. Just tired." He says, sinking into the leather seat, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter with his right hand.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay." I say, folding my arms.

I hate when he's like this, he obviously has something on his mind, but if he wanted to talk about it then he would.

"Well. If you don't wanna talk to me.. Guess I'll sit in the back." I say, taking off my seat belt. I start to climb to the backseat but Tupac grabs my shirt. "Sit yo ass down, got ya shoes all over my seat and shit." He says.

"No. You don't wanna talk to me anyway so-" I slap his hand, making him let me go.

"Adrienne sit down."

"I am." I say, plopping into the back seat.

Lesane just sucks his teeth, glaring at me in the rearview mirror.

A horn sounds behind us.

He rolls down his window and holds his middle finger up. "Lesane don't do that. That's rude." I say.

"The light just changed, they better shut they ass up."

Just as I'm about to say something back, the radio catches my attention.

"-Robbers are still at large. Last night Bridgepoint Federal credit union was robbed. Owner Greg Bridgepoint says that nearly one hundred thousand-"

Lesane turns the radio off, making me suck my teeth.

"I was listening to that." I say.

"People that sit in the back don't get to choose what's on the radio."

Once we get to the store, Lesane asks to stay in the car. After me telling him no a dozen times he finally gets out. "You're acting like a big ass baby today and I don't like it." I say, he sucks his teeth.

"Says the person who got mad and sat in the back seat."

"Shut up." I say, walking ahead of him. "And since you wanna be a baby. I'm picking what we eat tonight, because babies don't get-" my attention shifts to a familiar car in the parking lot.

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