19)"We have a search warrant."

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When I wake up, Tupac is still asleep. I get up, as quietly as I can, pulling the cover off of me and sliding off the bed.

I tip toe across the room and grab my bag before heading for the door.

"Adrienne." I hear Tupac groan, making me look back.

"Where you going?" He asks, sitting up.


The room is still dark, so its maybe around five in the morning.

I hesitate, suddenly feeling guilty.

"Come back." He whines, I stand there for a while, not knowing what I should do.

"Okay.. I have to pee. I'll be back." I say, before dropping my bag on the floor quietly and going into the bathroom next to his closet and closing the door.

I turn on the light, rubbing my eyes that burn from the brightness.

I stare at myself in the mirror.

I can't bring myself to just leave him, but I can't bring myself to confront him about it either. I know he killed Ricky, I should've connected the dots so long ago.

His eyes. I remember his eyes from when he pointed the gun at me.. His gold plated gun.

God, I'm such a fucking idiot.

I rub my eyes again.

Why can't I say anything? Why am I not more angry? Why can't I do what a good person would do? Call the police, turn him in.. Something.

Oh God and the detective.. Did he kill her too?

I massage my temples, feeling a headache coming on. I hold my hands in front of my face, they're shaking.

Breathe Adrienne.

I take a few deep breaths before reaching over and flushing the toilet. I turn the sink water on for a few seconds before turning it off.

After turning the light off, I open the door. Tupac turned on the lamp beside his bed.

"Hey." I say, walking over to the bed.

"You were gonna leave?" He asks, sitting up and glancing over at my bag on the floor. I just look at him, before sitting down on the bed.

"What's wrong? You been acting off." He says.

I clear my throat. I need to pull myself together, this is still the same man I've been with for a month. He hasn't hurt me or even been aggressive with me. Why do I feel so afraid? How is this even the same man that takes from all these innocent people?

When I don't answer, he stretches out his arms, I scoot over, laying on this chest.

"Baby you can talk to me if something going on." He says, rubbing my back softly.

A lump forms in my throat and tears start to form in my eyes.

Overwhelm starts to fill my body. I'm so tired of being worried, I've been worried about Jamie for weeks and now I have no idea where she even lives, I've been worried about my brother for years and he could care less, and now I'm worried about Lesane.. About us, about how much I love him already.

I don't know if I'm angry or just sad.

Tupac just rubs my back, holding me close as tears stream down my face.

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