7)"I just had this feeling ya know."

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"Its okay girl, I'm sure he had a reason." Kiada says, rubbing my back.

"I should've known, he hasn't been answering my calls all week." I say.

"This is exactly why I don't trust a single nigga." Kiada says, before handing me a tissue.

I push her hand away. "Girl I am not crying. I'm just a little taken back. Why would he ask me out and then stand me up? I don't get it." I say, massaging my temples.

"It is weird. Mikey doesn't seem like the type to bail." Jamie says, making me roll my eyes. "Dada aren't you supposed to be at work?" I ask, she sucks her teeth and looks down at her watch.

"Sadly." She hugs me before getting up.

Jamie gets up too.

"I actually have to go too girl. You gonna be okay?" She asks, I just nod, as they walk towards the door.

"Call me if you need anything." Dada says, J nods in agreement before they close the door behind them.

I could've went to work with Kiada, but I had already told Lesane that I was taking the day off and he didn't seem to care. I think he has something to do with Michael standing me up. I can't pinpoint exactly what his motive is but I know he has one.

I go to my room and change out of the dress I had put on for the date.

I slide into something comfortable before returning to my seat on the couch and flipping through channels.


When I wake up, the end credits to a movie are rolling. I must've fell asleep watching it.

I hear a knock on my door, making me get up and rub my eyes, looking over at the clock on the wall.

9:03 PM

I've only been asleep for thirty minutes. Who is that?

I walk over to the door looking through the peep hole.

Its Tupac.

What the hell could he possibly want? Isn't he supposed to be at the club?

I open the door, standing in the entrance so he won't think he can come in. We just stare at each other for a while before he takes his hands out of his pockets and folds his arms.

Lesane looks me up and down before chuckling.

"I didn't expect for your night off to look like this." He says, making me roll my eyes. "What do you want?" I ask.

"Can I come in?"

I just move aside, allowing him to come into my apartment. His Timberland boots thump against the wood floor.

"How'd you know I would be home? I told you why I needed the day off." I say, closing the door and locking it.

"I just had this feeling ya know." He says, a smirk on his face that makes me suck my teeth.

I sit back down on my couch but he stays standing. "This is a cute lil place you got here." He says. "But I'm pretty sure you could afford something bigger with that check I been handing you."

"I appreciate the things I have. Just because I have the money doesn't mean I have to impulsively spend it." I say.

I notice him wondering down the hall, towards my bedroom. "I didn't say you could go back there." I say, getting up from the couch and walking behind him. Before he can get to my room, I slide in front of him and close the door.

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