10) "piss off Adrienne day"

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~•~One week later


It's pay day today and I've never been so not excited to pick up my check. This past week has been chaotic to say the least and I honestly don't even feel like seeing Lesane's face.

This morning I found out that the detective that was on that bank robbery case went missing four days ago and apparently she disappeared without a single trace.

Her car and all. Its like she dropped of the face of the earth.

On top of that, i've been dodging my moms calls all week because she wants to know where I work now. And finally, its hot as hell today so I didn't even wanna leave my apartment.

When I get into Black Cotton, I see a few other people leaving with their checks. Then I spot Kiada.

I half expect her to walk past me but instead she approaches me, making me stop walking.

"Hey." She says, I stuff my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants.


"So. I wanted to apologize for how I acted the other night. It was uncalled for and I didn't have a reason to be mad." She says, waving her check in front of her as she talks.

So suddenly she's sorry?

"Oh. Its cool. I get it. You should've told me you two had something going on. I didn't know." I shrug, her eyebrows furrow for a second before a sweet smile that doesn't reach her eyes takes over her face.

"There's nothing going on between me and Pac, I promise. I guess I just got a little jelly." She says.

I just smile without responding, cause I honestly don't beleive her.

"Well. I'll see you tomorrow." Dada says, before walking past me.

I continue up to Lesane's office, I knock since the door is closed.

"Its open."

I twist the knob, pushing the door open slowly, preparing myself to see him. We haven't spoken since he said we shouldn't. Since then its just been brief glances during work hours.

Our eyes meet as I approach the desk but he looks away, looking through a file cabnet for my check.

"Here." He places it on the desk. But when I reach for it he puts his hand over it and stares at me, his eyes traveling up my body slowly.

"You thought it was okay to come out like that? Half naked?" He asks, I immediatley furrow my eyebrows.

"Excuse me?"

He doesn't respond, he just takes his hand off the envelope and I grab it. Then something on his desk catches my eye. A tape recorder, but not just any tape recorder. It has the initials "M.S" on it in black marker.

"Where did you get that?" I ask, pointing at it.

"Get what?" He asks, without looking up at me, he had started writing in his black notebook.

"That tape recorder."

Lesane looks up at it before grabbing it and dropping it in the drawer below him.

"Had a chat with a detective the other night. Guess she left it by mistake." He says, his voice flat and serious.

"So you had a chat with a detective that has now mysteriously disappeared?" I fold my arms and he just chuckles. "You getting at something sweetheart?" He asks, a playful smirk on his face.

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