14)"I miss you."

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Its been two weeks since they took the car from Grants.

I'm starting to think they dropped it.

But there ain't been shit on the news about any of it lately, The robberies, the murder, none of it.

Its concerning.

If they had something on me they would've moved by now. I'm sure of it.

"Earth to Lesane." Adrienne's voice breaks my train of thought.

"Why'd you come in my apartment and just stand in one place? Are you okay?" She asks, a smile on her face. I nod, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm good."


I breathe in the smell of his cologne. He always smells so good. I pull away, studying his face, he definitely has something on his mind.

"So what did you wanna show me?" I ask.

Tupac called me this morning and said he was coming over because he had a surprise for me.

He starts to take off his shirt.

"Umm sir-"

"Just hush." He chuckles, "Look." He says, pointing at his forearm. Kiada's name is gone, its covered by a cloud with a date and someone else's name underneath it.

"Who's Kadafi?" I ask.

"My brother." He says.

"What happened to him?" I ask, Lesane's expression hardens, his gaze drops to his feet.

He told me it was just him, his mom and his sister. He never mentioned a brother.

"We can talk about it another time." I say, sensing that its a sensitive subject for him.

There's a long pause between us before he clears his throat.

"That wasn't the surprise. This is." He says, looking down at his chest briefly, then back at me. I hadn't even noticed it before. He got his 2Pac tattoo covered with my name in beautiful cursive letters.

"But that was the first tattoo you ever got." I say. "And you covered it, for me?" I start to tear up a little, making him laugh lightly.

"Time for a new chapter. It was kinda ugly anyway." He says, a smile on his face.

A tattoo of my name?

On his chest?

Covering his very first tattoo..

Thats serious. Is he really that serious about little ole me that he barely knows?

Its been a long time since I've been in a serious relationship. A part of me is kind of afraid. But Lesane is different, I know it.

He pulls me into a hug.

"Adrienne Walker. I like you a lot." He says, resting his chin on the top of my head. "You're special to me." He adds, squeezing me a little tighter.

I don't respond, I just lose myself in this moment, letting him squeeze me like a little teddy bear.


After Lesane left, I threw on some clothes and decided to do a pop up on Jamie.

I don't care if she doesn't want my help.

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