8) "I wanna stop him, but I don't."

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The group photo with Snoop Dogg had us there long after closing, due to someone thinking they blinked in every shot.

A sort of after party started to form for the staff after we locked the doors but I'm honestly tired and ready to go home. Tupac was right. We were busy from the time we opened until the very last minute until we closed.

I sit down on the stairs near the kitchen and pull my heels off.

"I've been looking for you. Snoop Dogg is about to leave, we need to get you a autograph." Kiada approaches me, a drink in her hand.

I can tell that its not her first either.

"Nah. I think I'm good. I'm actually gonna head home in a second." I say while massaging my sore feet. She makes a pouty face at me before downing the rest of her drink.

"You wanna get another drink with me then?" She asks, her words running together, making me chuckle a little.

"Your already drunk, you definitely don't need another one." I say.

Kiada sits down next to me, sitting her empty cup on the floor in front of us.

"Its been so long since we had fun like this after work." She says, looking around at all our coworkers laughing and dancing together.

"Its been all serious business since Lesane decided to start hitting. Since then he's been tryna keep BC on the low and out the spotlight, ya know?" She rambles, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Hitting?" I question.

Dada looks at me like I asked a dumb question.

"Robbing." She says.

Before I can ask anything else, she gets up and starts to walk towards the bar.

Robbing? Its probably just the alcohol talking.

About 20 minutes pass before I get up and go up the stairs, planning to let Lesane know I was leaving. I twist the door knob but it's locked, I roll my eyes, annoyed because I normally just walk in. I knock a few times but there's no answer.

I rest my ear against the door and listen.

"Mmm Pac. Right there baby."

Of course.

A pang of jealousy goes through me before I scoff at myself. Girl stop.

I go downstairs to get my purse. Telling people bye as I pass them. When I get to my car, I scramble around in my purse, looking for my keys.


Please God don't let them be where I think they are.

After going back into the club and looking everywhere for my keys, I face the fact that they are where I think they are. And I'll just have to wait until Lesane is done with his booty call before I can get them.

I guess I should've took Kiada up on that offer to get a drink.

Once again I find myself sitting on the stairs. A few more minutes pass before a girl walks down the stairs beside me, the same one I always walk in on while she's sucking his dick.

I roll my eyes as she passes.

I look up towards Tupac's office. The door is cracked now.

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