27) "I'm fine baby."

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Previously on Gentleman:

"I love you." Jada says, hugging Pac tightly and rocking back and forth. "Love you too light bright." He chuckles, letting go.

"And as for you pretty lady, tell Pac to give you my number so we can chat it up sometimes." She says, before throwing her arms around me and squeezing tightly.

"Okay." I chuckle.

"Igh, ima catch yall later." She says, heading towards the door.

"Call me when you get back." Lesane says, she just waves him off before leaving, closing the door behind her.

"Why have you never mentioned her to me?" I ask, turning to Pac, who's taking off his shirt.

He just shrugs.

"I figured yall would meet eventually. Ain't seem necessary." He says, throwing his shirt at me.

"Oh." I say, taking the shirt in my hands and bringing it to my nose. I inhale deeply, it smells like saw dust and his cologne. Anything is better than gun powder and the metallic smell of blood.

"Stop being a creep." He chuckles, snatching the shirt from me and heading upstairs.

"I'm not a creep." I say, following close behind him.

"Yea whatever, you showering with me tonight? Or you getting your freak on alone?" He asks, making me laugh.

"I'm showering alone. Thank you. But not because I wanna get my freak on or whatever you said." I say, rolling my eyes before jogging past him.

Sometimes I think about how me and Pac still haven't had sex yet.. and he hasn't complained. I mean I kinda feel bad that I've kept him waiting, but he doesn't push.

We've had our intimate moments, but he's always the one to stop it, and I'm always sort of relieved that he does.

"Don't be tryna beat me to the shower." He chuckles, grabbing my arm.

"But you always use all the hot water." I whine, fighting him off.

"Shit. Guess you showering with me then."

Chapter 27

"It's four in the fucking morning De."

I hear Lesane talking on the phone, making me get up from my bed. I walk quietly across the hall to his room, standing in the doorway.

"I can't help you with shit like that no more-" Tupac's tone is sleepy and frustrated.

"I can send somebody, but I can't."

He sighs deeply, before shaking his head. "Igh, I'll be there in thirty." He says, before getting up from the bed. He stops in his tracks when he sees me in the doorway.

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