21)"A favor for an old friend."

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When I wake up, my head is throbbing. I sit up, and that's when I realize I'm not at my house.

"What the hell." I mumble out loud, getting up from the bed. Pain shoots through my chest, reminding me of what happened last night.

I look down at my shirtless torso, there's a bandage over the gun shot wound.

Fuck. I left the body behind the club, I never got to call somebody to clean it up.

"Woah woah." A girl comes into the room, her eyes wide. "DeVante said you'd try to get up." She says, before holding a glass of water out to me.

Son of a bitch. I'm at Donald's house.

"Nah I'm good." I wave her off, getting up from the bed. I feel around my waistband but my gun is gone and so is my pager.

"Yo where's DeVante?" I ask, the girl sits the water down on the table next to us before walking out of the room, I follow her.

This nigga got me fucked up, bringing me to his damn whore house. I would rather be at the fucking hospital than here.

We walk up a flight of stairs until we're in his bedroom. DeVante is standing on the balcony. He turns, taking off his shades. "Lesane, my man." He chuckles, taking a puff from his cigarette before putting it out in an ash tray that another woman beside him holds.

"Man what the fuck am I doing here?" I ask, He just sucks his teeth.

"I think you mean, thanks for saving your sorry ass life, I could've let ya monkey ass bleed out on the concrete." He chuckles.

Me and DeVante go way back. We used to be in music appreciation together in highschool. That nigga can sing like a bird and play the piano like Stevie Wonder, but he decided to pimp hoes instead which I'll never understand.

We don't see eye to eye on how he treats women.

He treats them like slaves and gets in their heads, makes em think they ain't got no purpose in life other than what's between they legs. Makes me mad honestly. He's been like that as long as I can remember. Some bitch must've broke his heart.

"Ladies can we get some space?" He asks, making all the women clear the room.

"If you worried about the sad homeboy that you bodied. I took care of it." He says, making me suck my teeth.

"I ain't ask you to do that."

"Just a favor for an old friend."

I look down at my chest briefly, before clearing my throat. "You took my damn gun?" I ask, before he walks over to his bed and pulls my gun and pager out of the drawer of his nightstand. He holds my stuff out to me and I snatch it.

"Don't ever touch my shit." I say, making him laugh.

"My girls need to feel safe.." DeVante says, before walking past me out of his bedroom. I just suck my teeth in response. Hell they should feel safer now that I'm here.

My mind wanders back to Adrienne, and how maybe I should call her and tell her I almost lost my damn life.

"Aye, you got a girl named Jamie around here?" I ask, following him, pain pulsing through my chest.

DeVante's face flushes a little. "Yea why?"

"She's my shorty home girl, I think she been worried about her."

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