Chapter 30

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The venture through the fairy kingdom was silent, all of Natsu's friends not up for saying anything in fear of upsetting him. When they heard about what became of Lucy, they'd all been devastated, and their hearts went out to Natsu, they knew he'd take it especially hard.

Happy went with Wendy in hopes of being healed quicker as the brothers made their way to a seating area, and Natsu gasped when he saw the two people already occupying the room.

"...Igneel? Anna!?" The two stood, Igneel patting his son's shoulder sadly and Anna bowing her head in shame.

"Hello, Natsu..." the celestial queen muttered, flinching when she was engulfed in a hug.

"Hey..." Natsu whispered back to her before slowly pushing her away from him. "Sorry... you just, um, you smell too much like her..."

Anna nodded in understanding, but she was relieved that her old student didn't hold any anger towards her. "I'm really sorry about all of this. I failed Lucy, I should've intervened when I had the chance..."

"Don't worry about it, all that matters is what we do now. Where's Mavis?"

"She's in the infirmary getting ready to give birth." Natsu turned to gape at his brother, not understanding his calmness after just saying his wife was about to have a baby.

"Huh!? What's with you and keeping important information from me!?" Zeref shrugged before walking off. "My bad. You three should discuss how you'll go about things. I'll be back once the baby is here."

Natsu still didn't like how casual Zeref was being, but he brushed it off after Anna placed a hand on his shoulder. "They'd already had a set date planned for this since Mavis is having a c-section. It's a good thing you recovered when you did so Zeref could make it." She smiled softly as they sat, and Natsu sighed.

"I don't wanna bother those two with this anymore, they've got too much on their hands right now."

"It's nice of you to think of them, but they're the reason you're in this mess in the first place." Igneel growled.

"Nah, I don't blame 'em. They didn't expect things to happen this way. Like I said, all that matters is what we do now and in the future."

Anna nodded proudly. "Indeed. I've brought my Zodiac soldiers to help, I'll get them." As she left, Igneel looked over Natsu. The demon was uncharacteristically melancholic, and it was unpleasant to see him in such a way.

"Don't worry, son. This'll all be over soon, and you'll be with her."

Natsu looked down, he wanted to be hopeful, but he couldn't help himself. "But... what if she left because she doesn't want to be with me anymore? I have no idea what happened in Tartaros, but I know that one of the Demon Gates had something to with it, and the fact that Happy got hurt and my room's destroyed doesn't sit right with me." Natsu leaned back and groaned, this was just too much to worry about.

"I don't think it's very nice of you to doubt her like that." Natsu and Igneel looked over at Loki and the other Zodiac members as they entered the room. "Apparently, all she's been thinking about is you."

Natsu jolted up excitedly. "She has? How do you know? Have you been in contact with her?"

Loki smirked at the king's sudden liveliness. "No, but Aquarius here has." He pointed over to the water bearer, who was a bit confused as she looked over Natsu.

"You're the demon king..? I imagined you'd be... taller." Natsu smacked his lips at her subtle insult as Anna giggled quietly. "You remember Natsu, right? From when I was his governess?"

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