Chapter 7 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut
I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


"I'm so sorry, Natsu! I should've told you sooner." Lucy hid her face in her hands, shaking her head in shame.

"Don't worry about it, Lucy, you had every reason to be afraid to tell me, I'm just glad you at least told me now."

She nodded at his words, joining him in laying down, staring up at the ceiling.

"I left because my father never gave me any freedom. I was always locked in my room, and I only walked around the castle when he wasn't around. I couldn't wear, eat, say, or see what I wanted. Everything was controlled, and I felt like a slave in my own home. I got so mad at you because you reminded me of my father for a moment, but I realized how horrible it was to compare you to him. You genuinely care about my safety, he just got a kick out of having that sort of power over me, I guess."

Natsu turned over to look at her, rubbing against her forearm as he muttered, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"I was heading to the mortal realm at first, but I chose to come here since I knew it'd be the last place he'd search for me. I really didn't mean to end up here in the castle, I didn't even realize where I was. When I hit the magic barrier, I used my magic to try and break through. It took up so much of my magic that I ended up passing out, which is how you found me."

She turned to face Natsu now, and the two silently stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Lucy reached over to grasp Natsu's hand, and he squeezed hers in return.

"I know I'm the king here and all, but I never really cared for the wars between our kingdom's, either. I grew up in the dragon and fairy kingdoms while my brother ruled things over here, all of that drama is his business. Ever since I got here, I've been trying to make up with all the enemies my kingdom has made, but Zeref's dug me a pretty deep hole. I'm just worried about what this would mean for you staying here now."

The blonde shrugged her shoulders as she got lost in his olive-green eyes. She had to stop herself from leaning in.

"Um...well I don't want to go back. Ever. But soon enough, he'll start searching for me. Last time I'd been there, father had just left to handle some business in the mortal realm. I don't know when exactly he'll be back, but his trips usually take around 3 months. We've got about one more month until there's a search team going from kingdom to kingdom. If he finds me, I can try fighting back, but I'm not sure how that will go."

Lucy sighed dejectedly, hiding her head in the crook of Natsu's neck. He used his free hand to rub circles into her back.

"It's gonna be okay, Luce. I promise, I won't let 'em take ya. We'll figure something out... I swear. We'll have to keep this between us until the last minute, though, 'cause we don't want the word to spread that you're here. I'm gonna change how things are 'round here, too. I'll make sure everyone in this castle keeps you safe."

She smiled into his neck, raising her head to give him a soft kiss on the lips. She stayed there for a minute before realization hit, and her eyes widened as she flinched back.

"Oh my gods... I'm- I- Sorry!" She covered her mouth as her whole body became impossibly red, wishing she'd just disappear right then.

Natsu's expression was completely dazed. He touched his lips with his figure tips. Lucy had just kissed him. She kissed him! Does this mean she'd wanted more in their relationship, too?

"Gosh Luce, you're such a pervert." He chuckled, masking his inner rush of emotions.

"Wha- no I'm not! I was just... you made me so happy, I couldn't help myself!"

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