Chapter 33

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Lucy took in a deep breath as they entered the fairy kingdom. She hadn't been here long, but she really liked this place. There were so many kind people to get along with, and even when she was only a concubine, she was never treated differently. 

The entrance hall was surprisingly empty, and the little group walked a ways through the castle before actually coming in contact with the royal court, a large crowd being formed in what looked like a dining hall.

Everyone was silent, throwing Lucy off at first. With her hand intertwined with Natsu's, she stepped closer to the crowd of people to try and figure out what all the tension was about, only to reel back when the room suddenly shifted to loud and boisterous.

The crowd of people were yelling and cheering, and it took a full minute for Lucy to realize they were cheering for her. She flushed, looking over at Natsu, the demon seeming surprisingly calm about all of this. 

"Lucy! You're back!" She was pulled into a painful hug, immediately recognizing the redhead. 

"Hey, Erza…" 

"We were worried we wouldn't see you again." Gray came up to her, ruffling her hair once Erza released her.

"How did you manage to get away?" Wendy appeared, clutching Carla close to her. 

Lucy was a little overwhelmed, it seemed as though everyone took it upon themselves to start some sort of party. She giggled, these fairies really are just too lively. 

"I spoke to him!" Her answer was bubbly, not noticing the confused glances they sent her.

"Wait… you just talked? And it worked?" Gray scratched his head. Natsu had been there, but no fight broke out? That was almost unheard of!

"Yep! I won't lie, this may not exactly be the end, but I think he'll back off for some time now." Despite being a bit unsure of herself, Lucy couldn't contain her excitement. Her bright smile was contagious, her friends all easing up and accepting that the hardest part would be over now.

"You guys are quite the party people, huh?" Lucy laughed, watching as a few of Natsu's friends prompted him to drink something from a large mug. 

"Oh yeah, they'll find any excuse to get drunk…" Gray trailed off when he looked over at Igneel, the dragon motioning towards Natsu with his eyes. "Hey, Wendy… You should take Lucy to the girl's hall so she isn't uh… overwhelmed…" 

Wendy nodded, understanding exactly why Lucy had to be brought somewhere else. She grabbed the blonde's hand and guided her out of the dining hall, heading to where Levy and Juvia would be.

"Do you have it?" Erza asked Gray once the girls left the hall.

"Of course I have it. I'd have 4 kingdom's on my ass if I lost it." He reached into his pocket, just to be sure. The two made their way to the demon king, glad to see their old friend loosening up, though Cana wasn't the most trustworthy drinking partner.

"Yo, Flame-brain." Natsu dropped his mug to glare at Gray. 

"What, Ice Princess?"

Gray took Natsu's hand, causing the pinkette to scrunch his face up. Natsu's face of disgust morphed into confusion when he felt Gray place something into his palm. "What's this?" 

He opened his palm, revealing a 3-stone ring. The band was silver and the diamonds were a deep, navy blue that had bits of red once it hit the light, and Natsu found it oddly familiar. He looked up to see Gray and Erza staring at him hopefully, causing him to clear his throat awkwardly. 

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