Chapter 8 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut
I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


Lucy swallowed thickly, uncomfortable with all the attention she was currently getting. She and Happy had ventured to the library, Natsu had agreed to let her roam the castle as long as either he or Happy were with her. She loved spending time with Natsu, but she preferred to be with Happy since she didn't have to put on as much of a "servant" act when it was just them.

She'd been skimming through the endless halls of the library when she noticed she had an audience. This was the first time in the 3 months she had been here that she'd gone this far from the chambers without Natsu, in fact, Natsu wasn't at the castle at all today, for he was overseeing some legal business in the town next over. 

At first a couple of servants had been observing her, and then the next thing she knew, half of the royal staff was there, peering through the large double doors and not being discrete at all. 

Happy didn't seem to mind, but Lucy was starting to get irritated, overhearing some of them whisper things such as, "look at her, I bet she's pregnant," "what is she doing out here? She should be preparing for when the king returns," and "why did he pick her? I would've been a much better concubine!" 

To relax, she headed into a room that seemed to be a seating area. There were tables and chaises and some fruits, but she had no appetite. She sat at the grand piano that was in the corner of the room and idly began to play. 

Lucy always had musical talent, it was one of the few hobbies she could indulge in back home. She played a jazzy tune and began humming old lyrics, tensing when she realized all the people watching had entered the seating room to hear her properly. 

Soon enough, they were asking her what other songs she could play or sing, requests being repeatedly thrown at her. She was glad the tension was gone, but she'd really just wanted to read and be alone with Happy, not put on a concert.

Lucy cracked her knuckles, her poor fingers exhausted from the constant playing. There was a loud commotion in the room, everyone arguing on which song she should play next, but two claps sounded, and the entire room fell silent. 

Lucy raised a brow in confusion, wondering why everyone became so still. She turned to Happy, but his attention was elsewhere…

"Back to your posts. And servants, back to work. Now."

Everyone scurried out of the room at Mard Geer's command. Lucy's hands began shaking, all of the Demon Gates were here. She assumed they noticed the missing servants and guards and began investigating where they went, leading them here. 

"Who gave you permission to be here?" The blonde shrunk back at Mard Geer's voice, suddenly feeling out of place. 

"I did." Her eyes flitted over to Happy, impressed to see him standing so bravely. This is the first time she'd ever witnessed him speaking to the Demon Gates. 

"What business do you have here." 

"She wanted to pick out some new books to read."

Tempester narrowed his eyes at the exceed, and then at Lucy.

"You can read? What kind of concubine-"

His sentence was cut short when Mard Geer raised a hand, silencing him. 

"What business do you have touching the instruments, concubine?"

Lucy looked down at the piano, balling her hands into fists to try and stop them from shaking. She hadn't realized how long she'd been sitting there, looking down, until she flinched upon feeling something touch her side.

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