Chapter 10 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut
I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


Lucy rolled over to hide her face in the satin pillow. The sun was beaming down on her, blinding her and warming her whole body. Tartaros never got sunlight like this…

"Get up, lazy-ass."

"Mmmmmmmmmm… no."




The blonde growled as she turned to give a glare, squeaking when she caught sight of a very naked Natsu.

"C'mon. We gotta wash up and then go to breakfast. You wanna meet my dad, right?"

Lucy let out a long, dramatic groan before jolting upright. 

"Wait… breakfast? What time is it?"

"It's 6:00… you slept for like 12 hours! You seemed super tired so I didn't wanna wake ya… guess I fucked ya too good, huh?"

She whacked him on the arm, sticking out her tongue at him as she stood from the bed.

"Hush, it was a long trip and I hadn't gotten much sleep until now. Besides, I'm the one who put you out of commission for 36 hours that one time, remember? I don't think you could top that, sorry." 

Last month, Lucy had been grilling Natsu on how he managed to be so durable, and she'd put on a little game to see just how long he could last exactly. It took him about 2 days to recover. 

"Oi… you had just caught me off guard that time, I had no idea you'd be so… dominant. It won't happen again."

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?"

"You just woke up and you're already tryna ravage me? Sheesh, hornball…"

Lucy tutted over to him, her hands on her hips, and she wrapped her arm around one of his.

"I'm not being serious, now, let's go bathe!"

Natsu chuckled as she led them to the bathhouse door. Whenever they bathed together, it usually ended with other distracting activities, so she wasn't fooling him.

She let out a loud gasp once the door to the bathhouse opened. It was huge, there were several doorways leading to different bathing rooms, and it's structure resembled a cave. There was a large, opened lava pit at the furthest end, and the room had a hot mist. Several candles and incense sticks were mounted on the walls and along the floor, and Lucy noted that it smelt like a campfire. 

"Usually, dragons come here in their dragon forms, which is why it's so big. Here, I'll take you to where the non-dragons usually go, there should be a fresh bath already ready for us." 

Natsu guided her through the house by the hand, relishing in the feeling of having her small, soft hand in his. They never got to walk around like this, and he hated the whole "leash" rule because of it.

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