Chapter 38 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut. I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip.

Zeref walked into the seating room, his expression dark. He looked around, the guests all talking amongst themselves, and his face brightened when he saw where Anna was sitting with August.

"Thank you for watching him." August's face broke out in a smile at the sight of his dad, and Zeref couldn't help but chuckle as the baby began to coo and flail his arms about. 

"Of course…" Anna smiled softly at the way Zeref made faces and subtle noises at his son. "He's a really good baby."

"Yeah, we're lucky…" Zeref trailed off, continuing to admire August.

"My, I've never seen you make a face like that!" Anna giggled at the king's wide eyes and puffed cheeks. "Where was all this personality when Natsu was young?" 

"Hmm… Natsu was never this easy to please." Zeref's smile didn't fall even as August began to pinch at his cheeks. 

"Speaking of which, where is he? Have you two completed your 'business'?" 

"...He's just gone to calm himself." Anna understood what he was referring to, familiar with the demon's need for breaks after unleashing his etherious form. There was the sound of bags rustling before everyone's attention was brought to the doorway of the seating room, the petite queen being the first to make her presence known.

"We're back!" Mavis exclaimed, setting her bags down as she waved at everyone and scanned the room. "There you are, my love~" She skipped over to her husband, his eyes lighting up when he noticed. 

Zeref pouted when Mavis only went to pick up the baby in his arms and hug him close. "How's my wittle baby feeling? Did you miss Mama?" She showered August in kisses as he cooed and squealed in response. 

"I found the cutest little onesie for him while we were out, and it had a matching hat and booties- I can't wait to see him wear it!" Zeref smiled down at his wife as her eyes began to sparkle. "I might've gone a bit overboard on the baby clothes, though… but, I got clothes for the other babies in my kingdom, they'll all be matching! Isn't that just the cutest?" 

Mavis giggled at the soft expression Zeref looked at her with. "What..?" She rested her cheek against August's head as the baby snuggled against her chest, both looking at Zeref with the cutest faces he'd ever seen.

He pet her on the head, not keen on being too obvious about how she made his heart flutter. "It's nothing. You didn't run into any trouble while you were out, did you?"

"Besides the paparazzi, nope! Did you know that this was Lucy's first time going shopping? She was a total natural, though!" 

"...You and Lucy are a lot alike…" Zeref clicked his tongue in thought, his brows quirking when the action seemed to draw August's attention. 

"We are, huh? She's a sweet girl, I'm glad she chose Natsu. I can't imagine him being with anyone else." Mavis looked for the blonde in question, a little confused to see only Happy was still in the room, talking to the others.

"She's probably gone to find him." Zeref explained. Hopefully Natsu would be alright in her presence. 


Lucy took a deep breath as she turned the doorknob of the king's room. Anna had explained that Natsu would likely here, recovering from whatever they'd done while she was out. 

She walked into the room slowly, the door echoing loudly as it shut behind her. The room looked a little more empty than usual, a few shelves and dressers taken out during construction. It looked good as new, though, but Lucy could still vividly remember the state it was in the last time she was here.

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