Chapter 36

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Natsu growled in satisfaction as he finished the small braid in his fiance's hair. She gave him a quick peck as she tucked the little braid behind her ear, backing up slightly. "Do you think it's too much?" 

He looked over her form, her hair curled and her black, strapless pencil dress doing wonders for her figure. She wore her fairy necklace, hoop earrings, and 12 bangles from each of the Zodiac members- and her engagement ring, of course. Natsu licked his lips as his gaze lowered, her fishnet stockings and heels just icing on the cake.

"Natsu?" Lucy rolled her eyes at the hungry look he gave her before turning around to look at herself in the mirror. She rubbed her hands along her round belly, examining her form. She's 21 weeks pregnant now, and it was like the baby grew overnight as her bump became much more prominent. It wasn't that she was insecure about it, but seeing herself in such sexy, form-fitting clothes was a little odd.

"You look hot as fuck." Natsu rubbed her belly from behind and kissed her cheek before pulling her flush against him, her bottom rubbing against his bulge. "Do you feel what ya do to me?"

"Mm~ stop trying to seduce me, we've got somewhere to be." She giggled at his pout in the mirror.

"We still have some time… just a quickie-" 

There was a loud knock on the door, causing Natsu to curse and Lucy's giggles to increase. "Guess not." She smiled as she opened the door.

"You guys ready?" Gray leaned against the doorframe, eyeing her up and down. "...You're wearing heels?"

"Yup! Aren't they cute?"

"Haven't your feet been swollen lately?"

"Yeah, and?" 

Gray shook his head, he'd never understand the ways of fashion. He narrowed his eyes at Natsu, the demon glaring at him and growling, "Quit lookin at her like that." 

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes, holding Lucy's wrists to examine her bracelets. "These are cool."

"Aren't they? Look!" One of the bracelets began to glow before she was enveloped in a golden light. As the light dissipated, Lucy's outfit changed, her dress now long with slits on either side, chains over her chest and two horns on her head.

"Wow…" Gray wasn't sure what to make of this sudden transformation.

"It's a bit of Capricorn's magic! They each do this, and I can actually do it without the bracelets, but they insisted I have them so I won't have to exhaust any magic if I end up needing it. At least they're cute." She glowed again, her previous outfit returning. 

"That's really cool. Y'know, I haven't met many celestial beings, your magic is-"

"Darling…" Juvia approached from down the hall, frowning as she saw the way Gray was holding Lucy's wrists. "They're ready for you guys…" She pouted, grabbing her husband's hands.

"Right, I was just waiting on Natsu…" 

"I'm ready, let's go." Natsu adjusted the watch on his wrist as they began walking down the hall. Lucy couldn't deny how attractive he looked in all black, his top buttons left open to reveal his collarbone and the short-sleeved dress shirt just hugging his toned muscles perfectly. 

She blushed when she realized he caught her staring, squeaking quietly when he smacked her butt in response. "Behave yourself!" She whispered and scowled as his grin became more devious. 

"You make it real hard for me to behave, y'know." He grinned as her flush darkened. 

"Don't embarrass me if you don't want a date with your hand tonight." 

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