Epilogue 3 - NSFW (Finale)

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This chapter contains smut. I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip.



"Woah… What's gotten into you..?" Natsu panted as he felt her swirl her tongue over the tip before taking his length completely. 

"We haven't had alone time in weeks…" Lucy squeezed her breasts around his base as she continued to bob her head mercilessly. 

"F-fuck… but the party's in an h-hour…" 

"Then we better make this quick, huh?" She abruptly rose up and crawled over his body, mounting him and wasting no time in lowering herself onto his length. "I need you, Natsu…"

Natsu growled, gripping her hips and thrusting up onto her. The two started a steamy kiss as he began thrusting at a steady pace. "As much as I wanna savor you, we really don't have time…" Natsu warned before tightening his hold on her and speeding up to rough thrusts.

Lucy muffled her moans into his neck, biting down on his skin and gripping the sheets next to his head. "Right there..!" She panted as he rammed into her sweet spot over and over. "Don't s-stop..!" 

They rocked against each hard and fast, focused on reaching their peaks quick enough so they wouldn't be interrupted. "Cum with me…" Natsu growled before raising his hand to knead one of her breasts and roll her nipple between his fingers, causing her to muffle her outcry in his neck again. 

"Y-yes!" She let herself go, cumming around him just before he stilled to join her in her orgasm. They panted as they caught their breath, and Lucy fell on top of his chest with her head just below his chin.

"...We should… get ready now…" Natsu stroked his fingers through her hair as he started to steady his breathing. 

"...Give me 5 more minutes." Lucy mumbled into his chest, her legs still feeling like jelly.



"Where are Natsu and Lucy?" Happy flew into the dining hall and onto one of the snack tables, helping himself to a few chips and cookies. 

"I dunno, they're probably still getting ready." Nashi leaned back in her chair, subtly taking a few of the cookies away from the exceed. "Want me to go check on them?"

"Uh… you probably don't wanna do that." Happy warned but didn't elaborate, Nashi simply shrugging and taking the candies he tried to eat away. 

"Quit eating the food! It's for the party, and Mama put me on snack-guard duty." 

"You? Why would she trust you to guard food!?" 

Nashi rolled her eyes at the cat's dramatics. "I have a lot of self-control. And, Mama said she won't replace whatever food is eaten, so if everyone takes it now, we won't have any for the party! I think she was just bluffing, but I'm not gonna take any chances." 

It was Happy's turn to roll his eyes at Lucy's clearly empty threat and Nashi's food obsession. "If you say so."

"Yo! Does this look too obvious?" Akitsu ran into the room, smoothing his hands over his clothes before running his fingers through his hair. 

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