Chapter 20 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut. I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


The doors slammed open, alerting everyone in the entrance hall. The demon set his jaw and took purposeful steps into the room, his eyes searching for a specific blonde.

"Natsu? Happy?" 

Natsu turned to where he heard his name, his olive green eyes meeting big blue ones. 

"Mira!" Happy exclaimed as he whipped past Natsu and into the maiden's arms. It wasn't long before the exceed was greeting everyone with tight hugs, the fairies all in disbelief that they were really here.

"Natsu! I can't believe you're here!" Lisanna approached him then, raising a brow at his tenseness. 

"Hey Lisanna. It's good to see you all. Is my concubine here?"

"Oh, is that why you're so tense? Yep, she's here! Why didn't you introduce us all sooner? She's so pretty!" Natsu relaxed a little upon hearing that Lucy was here, but he walked off after mumbling, "it's complicated." 

"What the hell is his problem? He didn't even say hi, and we haven't seen him in years!" Cana chimed as she stood next to Lisanna, taking a swing of the beer in her glass.

"Yea… that was a little odd…"

Natsu walked through the entrance hall with purpose, not paying any mind to those who were gaping at him, voicing their surprise upon seeing him after so long. Happy caught up to him after a while, just as urgent to find Lucy as he was.

"What the hell is your problem, idiot?" 

Natsu sighed, knowing exactly who that voice belongs to. He glanced at Gray for a second before continuing on his way, he didn't have time for this.

"Hey, stop being such an asshole." Gray grabbed his shoulder, halting his movements. 

"Sorry, Gray… we just wanna find Lushi!" Gray pet the exceed on the head once before crossing his arms, narrowing his eyes at the brooding demon.

"Well, she's with Erza right now. In her room"

"Of course she is…" Natsu rolled his eyes. There was no way he was gonna go into Erza's room without permission. 

"Would you chill out for a second? None of us have seen you in years, and you're too busy being pissy to acknowledge anyone." The two men had a stare off before Natsu sighed and dropped the scowl his face had molded into.

"Yea, I'm sorry… I was just worried about her." 

"She's fine. Now you should go back and say hi to everyone. Don't want Erza to know you came by and ignored them all, do you?"

Natsu shuddered at the thought of Erza punishing him for his lack of manners, and he turned to re-enter the entrance room, finding all eyes on him.


"'Yo'? Don't act like you didn't just walk past us all, Natsu!" 

"Yeah! That was so unmanly!"

"That was super rude, even for you…"

Natsu groaned, hanging his head in shame. "Yea, yea, I know… I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to ignore you all, I've just been… preoccupied."

Mira approached him then, a warm smile on her face. She patted him on his shoulder, easing his subconscious tension. "That's alright, Natsu. You've been dealing with a lot, we understand. We've just missed you so much, you know?" Everyone nodded in agreement, their irritation fading as they gave Natsu soft smiles.

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