Chapter 26

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This chapter contains scenes that may be triggering.


"Wake up, Lucy." Zeref shook her shoulder lightly until she began to stir, her brown eyes hazy as she sat up slowly.

"Hm? What time is it?" Lucy rubbed at her face, realizing it was still dark.

"It's 1:00, you should get some sleep."

She frowned as she thought for a second. "Um, I was sleeping..." Zeref shook his head and helped her stand. "You've been sleeping in this lab for 3 days. You should go to your room and lay in your bed."

"But... I don't wanna be alone..."

Zeref picked up the sleeping exceed from the table and placed him in her arms. "He'll be with you."

Lucy clutched Happy tightly and looked over to the incubator that Natsu was in. "...But what about-"

"Natsu won't be waking up anytime soon. You'll be the first to know when he does, okay? You need to sleep in a bed, the lab is too cold and the chair is too cramped."

Lucy pouted, but nodded hesitantly. She really did need to start worrying about her health for the baby's sake. She slowly made her way out of the lab, looking around to make sure the coast was clear. The halls were dark, and she was glad that the staff had stopped gathering in front of the lab door so she could get by quietly.

Several servants and guards sent her death glares when she passed them by, but she was used to it at this point. Once she made it to the comfort of her room, Lucy plopped down on the bed.

It felt very empty without Natsu, but she'd spent nights without him before, so Lucy knew she could get through it. She pulled Happy close, smiling softly when he instinctively snuggled against her.

She longed for her love's warmth, and she found herself hoping he'd wake soon as she began to doze off.


Lucy jolted awake at the sound of yelling. At first she thought it was the TV, but after she got up to look around the room, she realized it was coming from outside her door.

The king's room was made to be soundproof, so the fact that she could hear whatever was going on meant they were incredibly loud. When she realized Happy wasn't with her, Lucy began to get a little worried. She quickly went to open the door to investigate just what was going on.

"Why're you protecting- Gah! There she is!" There were several guards gathered around the door, and she realized they had been yelling at Happy this whole time.

"No! Leave her alone! Lushi, get back in the room!" The exceed began lightly shoving her back through the door, but Lucy's irritation spiked. These guards had the nerve to bother Happy over some stupid problem they had with her?

"Wait, just what is going on here?"

"You don't deserve to be here after what you did to our king! We should have your head!" A guard yelled, and Lucy groaned loudly.

"Seriously? Why would I harm my king? Better yet, how could I have been the one to do this? I was in this room asleep when it happened!"

"It was your plan all along! This is what you angels do- you're all greedy and sneaky!"

She rolled her eyes. These guards definitely needed a reality check. "I'm just as upset as you all. I will never forgive my father for doing such a thing, but you will not blame me for this. Say what you want about angels, but I don't appreciate my character being generalized in such a way simply because you have some animosity towards me."

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